Thursday 31 August 2023

Cat Photo Shoot and Free Kids! (Aug.30, 2023)

Jason started his days off today.

It turned out to be another beauty of a day so he walked down and met me at the office and we went for a walk.

Just after he got back to the house, he got a little visiter.
She brought along a picture to paint.

I took a trip to Whitecourt this afternoon, a quick trip to go to the second hand store to grab a few things.
I was thinking I might do some crafting on the weekend if we stayed home so I was looking for some orange fabric to make some pumpkins possibly.
I didn't find any but I did get some clothes for Freya and a few craft supplies at the dollar store.

I was back to work by 1 - it was a quick trip.

Paddington found the artificial flowers that I bought - he loves them - he likes to try to eat them.

Jason saw it as a photo op - the pictures turned out well.

I found the gauze wrap that Freya had on her leg in the car and brought it in the house after work and she suddenly remembered that her leg was 'hurting' and she needed to put it back on and she also had to use Mom's cane.

Ha ha - what a good little actress.

Zepplyn was there at the house with Jason and Freya and we all went for a walk to the store to get ice cream.
On the way we saw a table on the side of the road with a 'FREE' sign.
The table had nice spindle legs and so I wanted to take it home.

Jason had a look and it was actually made out of maple so we decided to take it.

He carried it over to the park and I walked home, got the truck and went back to pick up the truck.

The girls thought the sign was funny, Jason got them to stand on the side of the road and hold it with 'sad' faces.
They wanted to do it together.

Then they took a picture with the sign individually.

Zepplyn wanted him to send her picture to her mom and dad.

They played at the park and I took the table to the house then walked back down and met them and we all went for a treat at the store.

Freya didn't want ice cream, she got a water and a nerds candy thing.

She happily had a bite of Jason's ice cream though.

The sherbet was almost gone so she just gave him the rest of what was left in the container.
It was huge.
I had a taste - I'd forgotten how much I love sherbert.
I had a blizzard type ice cream with Reeses Pieces in it - so good.

Then we walked Zepplyn home.
She started school today and so had to get hoe at a decent hour.
Freya starts school on Friday so she still has another day off.

She wanted to spend the night and Kody and Haylee were ok with it.

She and I were sitting on the couch watching tv and she just randomly asked to go to bed around 8:30 so I took her even though I didn't really feel ready to yet.

I started falling asleep but she got a second wind and got up and hung out with Jason.
I stayed in bed and went to sleep.

I saw this on Instagram and I soo want to go see this in real life!

I didn't go for a run today but I did get all of my steps in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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