Thursday 10 August 2023

Still Grey Out There and Sore Shoulder (Aug.9, 2023)

Another grey and dreary day over here.

What the heck happened to the sun?

I went out for a walk anyway - at least it wasn't raining.

When I went home for lunch, I hopped on the treadmill and walked a little bit.
Not much but it will contribute some to my step count.

My ankle started bothering me so I didn't stay on long - I figured I'd get back on again after work if I needed to.

I had a massage booked with Crystal after work that I was really looking forward to.
She worked on my shoulder and when I left there it was actually feeling better

She suggested I ice it when I get home and when I was trying to put the ice on I kind of twisted my arm to grab the towel I had the ice pack in and the position tweaked my arm and it was so painful.
I could barely talk for about 15 minutes - just kept still and kept the ice on it.
The pain did subside eventually thank goodness.

Nadine dropped by briefly to get me to help her with something and she stayed for a bit of a visit in all the chaos.

Freya did my make up for me - aren't I beautiful?

Kody came to pick her up and she was ready to go home today - she was asking about her mom and dad - when she does that I think it's because she's starting to miss them.

I love having her but I'm also looking forward to having lots of room in the bed.
I haven't been sleeping well at all - she takes up a lot of room and with my shoulder being in pain, I've been having a really tough time finding a comfortable position.

I put an ice pack on my shoulder for a bit before I went to bed then I went to bed fairly early.
I hope my shoulder feels better tomorrow.

Started following this crafting sight on Facebook - I love these flowers that they made.
Kristy's Craft Room is the page if you want to check it out.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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