Monday 14 August 2023

Art of the Brick (Aug.13, 2013)

I had a rough night last night, my shoulder pain flared up again and I just could not get comfortable in bed.

I didn't get much sleep.

I had planned on going out for a run but I was afraid Freya would wake up and be upset that I wasn't there so I was going to just skip the run all together until I got home later today then my sister woke up.

She suggested I just go to the hotel gym and hop on the treadmill and then if Freya woke up and was upset, she could text me and I could just run back up to the room.

I figured that was a great idea so that's what I did. 

I really pushed myself and bumped it up to a speed of 5.0 right near the beginning.
My train of thought was that the faster I ran, the more distance I could cover so in case I did have to cut the workout short, I wouldn't have as much to make up later.

I did end up being able to get the 5k done though so that was good.
I got a good time too, the 45 minutes includes 6 minutes of warm up and cool down so it took me 39 minutes and it normally takes me 48 so that's a great improvement!

Super proud of how much I was able to push myself and not only get it done, but get it done injury free!
Back at the room, Freya had gotten up but she was fine to stay with Jen - she's getting more used to her.

We checked out, dropped our luggage off in the car then walked over to the Tim Horton's right behind the hotel for breakfast.

The boys.

Freya and I.

I missed getting a picture of Jen for some reason.

Next we headed to the Telus Science Center to take the kids to the Art of the Brick exhibit - Ethan is a big lego fan.

I've seen this exhibit before in New York actually and I loved the famous artwork replicated in lego.

The Norman Rockwell couple.

I don't know the name of this piece.

The lighting makes it hard to take pictures but this one is a pez dispenser.

Freya with a lego replica of Moia.

The boys.

Giant head.

A swimmer.

Different bodies.

I thought the T-Rex was larger last time but Jen was with me and she didn't think so.

There were a bunch of animals I don't remember seeing the first time.

Polar bears.

Giraffe and Cheetah.

There were a bunch of animals..

I was with Freya and she basically just raced through the whole exhibit until she got to the end where they had a bunch of tables set up and covered with lego where you could sit and build things.

Freya built some stairs and a house and a guy.

You could build a car and then race it on the track.

I tried to build one but couldn't get it to work but a man had built one for his daughter and when they left, he gave it Freya and she had fun racing it on the track.

Jen and the boys took their time going through the exhibit and they finally met up with us.

Declan built this guy - he did a good job.
He was looking for brown bricks to give him shoes but he never did find any.

Ethan was building a motor bike - he couldn't find all the parts he wanted so he didn't finish up.

Freya built herself a tower.

Then she wanted to go check out the rest of the science center.

She practiced climbing up this moving wall for a while.
She was getting pretty good.

Then we went up to the area for the young kids and she ran around there like she owned the place.
We've taken her several times so you could tell she was very comfortable and she really enjoyed it.

Freya doing her magic trick she figured out at the science center.

When I finally convinced her to leave, we went and met Jen and the boys in the space exhibit.
Declan hadn't even wanted to go into the science center and he ended up loving it.
I bet we could have stayed there for a few more hours easily but we had a few more things to do before we headed home and I didn't want to get home too late.

Astronaut Freya.

When we finished up there, we stopped at Mud,Sweat & Gears to get a bar for my bike so it could fit on the bike rack.
We are heading to Sylvan Lake for a week and we want to take our bikes.

Then we went to McDonald's for lunch for the kids then headed home.

Rob came over when we got home and we had a couple games of Skip-Bo, he, Mom, Jen and I.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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