Monday 28 August 2023

Freya's Wednesday Addams Themed 5th Birthday Party (Aug.23, 2023)

I missed weigh in day this week since we were in Sylvan Lake and I could have waited until Monday to do an official weigh in but I wanted to see where I was.

I weighed in at 212.6 lbs.

That's up 2 lbs since last weigh in.
I'm usually up after vacation so no surprise there but just a reminder that I need to get back on track.

I was back to work this morning too - It was very busy.

Then at lunch I popped over to help Haylee with birthday party prep.

She already had most of it done and it looked really good.

I just brought some ribbon with me so I hung a few balloons for her.

She went with the Wednesday Addams theme and I love it.

Freya wanted it to be a costume party - she wore her Wednesday Addams party dress.

I had to take a picture of her by it.
How is she 5 already?

Haylee got one of her doing her Wednesday pout.

Since all the prep was pretty much done, I ended up just doing a lot of running around.
Picked up cupcakes from Morgan that she'd made for the party, crafting supplies from my house, a few grocery items then back to Morgan's to pick up her and the kiddos she watches to take them to the party.

I took the afternoon off so I could stay and help.
I thought if the party ended early I could go back to work but that didn't happen.

All the kids started showing up at 1 pm.
Freya and a bunch of the girls all went in her bedroom and were playing around and jumping on her bed.

Then I heard her say 'My boyfriend is here' and all these little girls came running out of her room over to the front door to meet her little boyfriend Dakota as he was arriving.
It was super cute.

I brought over some beads so Haylee and Morgan helped the kids make bracelets.

Some kids, including Freya, just opted to do some coloring.

Some of the kids showed up in costumes which was super cute.

This little guy was a grape fiend - he couldn't get enough of them.

Alivia made signs for some of the kids with their names in fancy lettering.

Just general chaos.

There was a dance party.

Not gonna lie - it was a little lame - I just caught it at the end though - it may have been better when it first started.

Cake Time.
She had these cupcakes instead of cake but it worked just the same.

Blowing out her candles.

Some of the guests.

The little ones were so cute.

Next up - presents.

It was kind of crazy.

Opening presents with a bunch of kids trying to see is always a bit of chaos.

More presents.

She got lots of cute things.

Some of the guests sat in an orderly manner while the gift opening was going on.

They all would get so excited when Freya would open the present they brought.

When they were all opened, Haylee put them all in her room - good thing too or else everything would have been opened and used immediately.

The rain slowed down to a drizzle so we let the kids go outside for a bit to run off some of their energy.
They needed it.

Wednesday dance with Alivia.

The playing outdoors didn't last very long as the rain picked up again - we didn't want the kids to get soaked.

Then it was pinata time.

All the kids lined up for a turn.

For this pinata, you don't hit it, you pull a ribbon and when you pick the right ribbon, the whole bottom opens.

Pinata time.

Candy scramble.
Not all of the kids got a turn to pull a ribbon before it opened up but at least there was plenty of candy for all of them.

Freya got some handmade cards from her friends and I had to take pictures of them.
I love when kids make cards.

This one was from her friend Miley and she was explaining everything she'd drawn.

Not hand drawn but still super cute.

This one had stickers on the outside.

And more stickers on the inside.

The party wrapped up around 2:30.
I drove Morgan and her kiddos home then I stayed and helped Haylee clean up a bit and just chatted with the last couple of people who were still there.

Freya was asking to come to my house even before all of her guests left so after everyone had gone home, I took her to my house.

Alivia and Hunter were there hanging out with Ethan and Declan.
Jen & the boys are flying home tonight just after midnight - I asked Rob to come with me to drive her to the city in case I got tired but he offered to take her himself and he's just going to spend the night.

All the cousins.

Hard getting them all to smile - this would have been a good picture if Freya's face wasn't half covered by the game controller.

Making silly faces.

Kody and Haylee ended up dropping by.
Haylee had ordered a bunch of school outfits for Freya off of Shein and they arrived today so she brought them over to show us.

So Freya ended up doing an impromptu fashion show for us.
This was the first outfit - the top was a bit short but crop tops are in so maybe it was meant to be like that.

This one Freya picked out herself and it was super cute.
It ended up being my favorite.

I love the back.

This skirt set came with a hat even.
I'm not sure why she had to add the travel pillow as an accessory.

These long, loose pants were cute and they looked comfy.

Outfit number five.

This outfit was super cute too - we got her the hat while we were in Sylvan Lake on our beach day to stop her face from getting sun burnt while she was swimming.
It matched this outfit really well.

The quality of the clothes seems really good too.
She had two more outfits but she was done modelling at this point.
She went and put the one with the green and black pants back on, that was her favorite as well.

All of the outfits together were under 100 and I was really impressed with quality of them.
I'll have to check that website out!

Around 6:30 pm Rob dropped by to pick up Jen and the boys to head to the airport.
I can't believe that three weeks has gone by already.
I so wish they lived closer and I could see them more often.

Adrien came and picked up the kids too so I headed down to the treadmill to get the rest of the steps in that I needed for the day and Freya came with me.

I just walked so it took awhile but I got to the 13,000 steps.

Glad that was done.
It was a busy day and I was go, go, go - looking forward to bed!

When Jason got home and saw Freya's outfit - he knew he had an outfit of his own that kind of matched so he went and put it on.
I love this.
He reminds me of Ken (the barbie) in this picture for some reason.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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