Saturday 26 August 2023

Chilly Day in Sylvan (Aug.19, 2023)

I didn't have the greatest sleep last night - it's tough sleeping in a double bed with 3 people but I don't mind.

She's going to grow up so fast that I want to soak in every moment that I can.

Freya has been very into Stitch lately - Zepplyn gave her this Stitch toy yesterday and Freya made him this little bed by our bed last night before she got in bed and made me promise to leave it there.

Mel has to work at 3 today so she, Adrien and the kids were getting ready to head home while Jason and I were getting ready to head out for our run.

I ran by the lake again - it's so peaceful in the morning when there aren't many others out and about.
The weather wasn't the best but at least it wasn't raining.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

When we got back from our run, Crystal, Leanne, Haylee and Zepplyn were heading to the second hand store so we offered to take Freya to the beach and the plan was for us all to meet there later.

She wanted to go in the water but it was a bit chilly.

She sat in it trying to get used to it.

Then she walked a ways out but it was just too chilly.

So she made sand castles instead.

Papa helped.

A dead pike was floating in the water near the shore which everyone found interesting.

Freya wanted to touch it - we wouldn't let her but we did let her poke it with a stick.

Jason walked over and got a couple of sundaes for he and Freya and brought them back to the beach - they weren't very good.

Since it was a little too cold for swimming, we decided to pack up and go for a walk.

We went to a little coffee shop and got some sweets to try.
We had a cookie, a coconut tart and Freya picked out an orange cupcake.

She also picked out this sugar cookie which was pretty but hard as a rock.

We sat there and ate our treats and we listened to the live entertainment they had there.
It was a young girl and she was playing the guitar and singing.
She was really quite good actually and we bought a copy of her cd - she was selling them there.

We took her back to the candy store again and let her pick out another treat - she got some squishy polar bears.

A mural we saw along the way.

We started heading back to the Airbnb but we stopped along the way so Freya could eat some of the chocolate rocks she'd gotten at the candy store - she thought they were great.

While we were sitting there, Haylee and them texted and they were at the beach so we headed over there to meet them.
By the time we met them they decided that it was too cold to stay at the beach and they decided to go swimming at the indoor pool at the Next Center.

So Freya went with them and we walked her bike back to the Airbnb.

We saw some pelicans on the way back in the lake.

When we got home, Jason and I decided to take a nap and we actually slept for a couple of hours - it was nice.
When we got up, the girls were all back from swimming and Rob had showed up.
He has a couple days off so he was able to come up which was nice.
We decided to all go out for supper.

Haylee made reservations at a place called Lodge 43.

Freya came over and sat with me and promptly fell asleep.
I just let her sleep until the food came.

Got some pictures of our crew at the table.
Looking down from my end.

Looking back up from the other end.

Jason and I.

Jen and Ethan.

Jen and Declan.

We ordered some Yorkshire puddings with beef some kind of sauce.
They were ok.

They had escargot on the menu and I'm a big fan so you know I had to try them.
I've never had them like this before, they just had cheese on them - they weren't soaked in garlic butter like snails normally are so they were just ok too.

Then I got the bbq brisket quesadilla - it was super good but I was quite full by then so I was only able to eat two of the pieces and I took the other two home.

Jason had a burger - he said it was pretty good.

That was partially because I noticed they had sticky toffee pudding on the menu and I definitely wanted to try a slice of that.
I got a slice and Freya dived right in and ate most of it so I ended up ordering another slice for me.
It was super good.

They had this little kitty statue outside and Freya had to take a picture of it.

Back at the house we played some more Heads Up and Nintendo Switch before calling it a night.

Ha ha - I have so much in my Amazon Cart it's ridiculous but I just keep moving it all to Save for Later.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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