Monday 28 August 2023

Ice Cream and Netflix Binge (Aug.26, 2023)

I didn't have the greatest sleep last night and I woke up when Jason was getting ready for work.

I moved over to his side of the bed after he got up and I ended up falling back asleep and slept right until 8:45 - both Freya and I did.

The late sleep in felt wonderful.

When we got up, I made a coffee and chilled with Freya.

She was invited to a birthday party at 11 am and Haylee is working today so she asked if I would take her.

I thought it was at the pool so I got her ready, we got her swim gear then we stopped and met Kody at the Hardware to pick out a gift for Ella then headed to the party.

Turned out that it was not at the pool - it was just at Faith's house so I dropped Freya off and Kody is going to go and pick her up.

Nadine is having a birthday dinner for Karl at the lake so I thought I might head out there after I get a run in.

I did stop and get a sandwich and some pasta salad to have before my run.

I had to let my lunch settle a bit before I went running so I started watching this movie, Big Sky River - The Bridal Path.

The male lead is from When Calls the Heart and I really like him.

I ended up watching the whole thing before finally heading out for my run.

I ended up having to stop down at the office again for a bathroom break.
I was right around the 4.59 k mark when I got there, paused my Fitbit then came out and finished up the rest of the 5k.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

I walked up the highway then when I got around the corner, I decided that I felt good and wanted to run a bit more so I did another 1 k - made myself run up the tough hill by the Super A.

The exercise details.

The average pace.

When I got home, I decided it was a bit late to head to the lake and instead after my shower I did some laundry and house cleaning then spend the rest of the afternoon catching up on my blog.
It always seems to get behind when we go on a vacation and even though I took the computer with me when we went to Sylvan Lake - I didn't really end up using it.

I worked on it for the rest of the day until Jason got home - he rolled his ankle the other morning on his run so he's been taking a few days off from running and has been biking instead.
So he headed out for a bike ride and I decided to walk down to the store and get myself a treat.

Ice Cream - I got two scoops and it was so good.
I get it lots when we go away somewhere but I've tried to not get it here in town - I didn't want it to become a habit.
But summer is almost over now so I figured what could it hurt.

The perfect end to an evening.

I started watching this show today on Netflix.
I actually quite enjoyed it and watched a few episodes while I was blogging.
 I put it back on and ended up staying up late and finishing off the series - it was 7 episodes in all so that was quite the binge for me.

I still have a few more days of blogging to catch up on tomorrow but it feels good to be just about done.
It's a lot of work so sometimes I'm not sure why I even bother - but I like having my days documented - I like knowing that I can go back to any day in the last few years and see what I was up to.

There are little things that happen that I forget so the reminder is nice.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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