Monday 28 August 2023

Summer Days (Aug.27, 2023)

Both Haylee and Kody had to work today so I had some company first thing this morning.

She had one of her birthday outfits on - it looks super cute on her.

We kind of just hung out for the morning, watched some YouTube, did some painting.
She's getting really good.

Meanwhile Jason was at work cooking up lunch for the guys.
Hamburgers (he brought me home one for supper).

Hot dogs - yum - I love grilled hot dogs.

Grilled onions - Yum.

Freya and I went out for a little walk around lunch time and it was kind of hazy out (or maybe smoky from the fires in NWT) but it was so nice out - hot!
So I thought it might be nice to take Freya to the water slide/lazy river in Whitecourt and I called Adrien to see if Alvia and Hunter might want to come as well.

Alivia had plans already but Hunter came with us.

We brought a floatie with us but the kids preferred to just go down without it.

They stayed together for the most part which was nice - made it easier for me to keep my eyes on them.

This is such a great spot and totally free - I should have brought Jen and the boys here before they went home.

I tried going down on the floatie but it didn't really work - I had to push myself inch by inch and a few feet in I just gave up.
I think you have to jump onto it like this to get some momentum - I didn't try that so I can't confirm.

Taking a break for some snacks.

Hunter wasn't taking any breaks - that kid, I swear he is part fish.

What a nice summer day it turned out to be - reminded me of taking Kody to the beach and spending the day there with him when he was young.

The fountain in the park is pretty and it was causing a rainbow today - you can almost see it in the picture here.

Freya went back down a few more times after her snacking.
I tried to go down with her without a floatie this time, that didn't work either for some reason.

So I got up and walked down to meet Freya and she ended up falling.
She started crying and she was bleeding A LOT!
I needed to clean it off so I could see how bad it was but she was so distraught - it was hard.

I carried her and set her on our blanket then took a towel and soaked it in the water on the slide then cleaned the blood up a bit.
It mostly looked like scratches but one looked a bit deep and it was all covered in sand so I had to carry her over to the restrooms to try to clean it off.

I cleaned it the best I could then packed the kiddos and our stuff into the car.

She was calm by then so we stopped at McDonald's for supper and McFlurries.

It was like 28 C out there - beautiful!

I stopped at the Dollar Store to get some bandaids and guaze and I wrapped up the worst part of Freya's scratches before we drove home.

I wanted her to show Jason and Mom her scratches when we got home but she would not remove the gauze.

Kody dropped by to pick up Freya and he had Zepp with him.
He wanted to take them home but they weren't ready so I offered to take them for ice cream then home.

Zepplyn is getting much better with the camera lately - doesn't mind getting her picture taken as much.



After ice cream, I took the kids all over to Kody's to drop them off.
Freya finally took the guaze off to show Mom and Dad her injury but she would not let me get a picture of it.
Kody was worried it might need stitches so he was relieved to see it really was just scratches.
They are going to bath her though so it can get a good cleaning.

In other news, when I moved out to Alberta back in 2007, I drove my car at the time out here, my Pontiac Grand Am.
There was an issue with it around 10 years ago or so that made it so that it wouldn't start.
It had something to do with the security and it kept happening and I didn't want to deal with it at the time so I just put it in our garage and bought a new car.

A few years later we discovered that if we took the battery out, it would reset the security issue so we tried it and sure enough, it worked, the car started.

Since then I've offered it to my son, my brother, my niece and nobody wanted it.
It does need some other work - it's been sitting out there for a really long time.
I've been wanting to just get rid of it and Shennelle's son just got his licence and they were looking for a vehicle for him and she knew about my Grand Am so she asked me about it and I told her if they came and got it - they could have it as is.

And they took me up on it.

It took some work but they got it out of the garage and loaded up on a trailer.

So it was good-bye to kind of an era - I really loved this car, I knew that I'd never use it again but I'm glad that someone might.
Hopefully they can get it running,  I'd much rather see someone get some use out of it over sending it to a junkyard, that seemed such a waste.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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