Monday 7 August 2023

New Bed, PIzza Date (Aug.3, 2023)

I can't believe August is here already.

It was a very quiet day at the office - Bonnie and Shennelle were both off as were a bunch of other folks.

Summers in the office are always so quiet -it's nice though.

Jason walked down and met me at coffee break time and he and I went for a walk.
It was a lovely day out there.

I decided to hop on the treadmill at lunch and run 5k.
It was nice out but it takes a bit longer to do my runs outside and I wanted to hurry up and get back to the office.
I was working on a project that I was trying to get done before the end of the day and it was taking me way longer than I expected.

It was a really good workout - I was super sweaty when I was done.

I spent the rest of the afternoon at work trying to finish my project - I even ended up working late but I didn't manage to get it all done so I'll have to try to finish up on Tuesday.

Freya came over to hang out with Jason for the afternoon.
They went out for a walk and she took her scooter.

They stopped by her friend Dakota's place and ended up staying there to play all afternoon.

His little sister Capri just loves Jason - all the kids do - so they think it's great when Jason comes over to visit.

Mom's new bed was delivered today so when I got home from work I put it together for her.
It has a remote so the head and foot move up and down which is pretty cool.

Jason had picked up a few more kids on his travels.
I went down to meet him so he could go over and help Nadine and Karl with something.
I stayed at Burger Baron with the kids.

Had them look over for a picture and managed to get them all looking - just need to work on the smiling part.
I ordered them pizza and Freya had a donair - she's all about them lately.

We sat there and ate supper and Jason came back to meet us.
Then we all walked over to the park to play for a bit.

Adrien and Mel had gone out but got home and so the kids just walked home.
Freya ended up spending the night with us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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