Wednesday 2 August 2023

Starting her Young (Aug. 1, 2023)

 It was a nice day out there, I had a busy morning but I still managed to get out for a short walk.

It felt nice to be out in the sunshine even if it was just for a short time.

 I wasn't sure if I was going to go for a run at lunch time or not but decided too last minute.
I only ran 5k today.
I changed my route up a bit just to make it more interesting. 

The exercise details.

 My average pace and splits.

It was hot out there today which made it a bit tougher.
The worst is when I sweat and it gets in my eyes - it really stings!
I need to start wearing headbands more often.

The afternoon went by pretty quickly. 
I had a few things to take to the dump so Adrien let me borrow his truck. 

I stopped by Kody's to see if he would help me load up the stuff and he ended up bringing the truck over and he loaded it and took it to the dump for me.

Which meant I got to stay and hang out with Freya.

She wanted a donair so I ordered one for her and mom.
We all went to the store for a few groceries for supper then we stopped and picked up the donairs.

She ate all of hers.

Nadine came over for a visit and Freya sat on my lap and was pretending to go to sleep or so I thought.

She actually did fall asleep and was still sleeping when Jason got home from work.

He took this picture when he came in.
I had gotten most of supper ready so Jason finished up and she slept the whole time we were eating.

We had salad and pita pizzas - so good. 

When she did wake up and saw that Jason was home she was so excited and happy to see him.

She wanted to go to the park so he took her and it was quite late by then.

I was tired so I didn't go.
Instead I watered my flowers and did some deadheading on them.

They weren't back by 10 so I got in bed and read the new book I started,  Plain Truth.
It's very good so far, really drawing me in!

When they got back Freya was still raring to go.

Jason said she wanted to run home from the park and was asking him all kinds of questions about when he runs.
Like, is this how fast you run Papa and Do you stop for breaks?
Maybe she'll want to start running one day too, starting a love for it while she's young!

It was a long time before she settled enough to go to sleep.
I'm going to be so tired in the morning but that's ok, I'm super happy to have her back.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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