Saturday 26 August 2023

Off To Sylvan Lake for a Week (Aug.16, 2023)

I wanted to get my run in this morning before we headed out - we are driving to Sylvan Lake today and I knew I wouldn't feel like running after a long drive in the car so I wanted to get it over with.

My cousin Lisa from PEI ended up calling while I was on there so I stopped to talk to her for a bit so that ate up a bit of my time but it was nice to talk to her.

 I ended up only running 1.5 miles because I ran out of time.

We are planning on leaving at 10 am and I want to be ready when Crystal gets here.

Only ran 1.5 miles or 2.4k but better than nothing.

I finished packing after that and packed up the car.
We were going to pick up a rental to fit all of us but Crystal said Jen and the boys could drive with her and Jason is going to bring his truck because Morgan's boyfriend Calum decided to come too so we needed the room.

So Crystal came and picked Jen and the boys up and they headed out.
Jason took Freya with him and stopped and picked up Morgan and Calum.
Then Mom and I drove in our car.
It was closer to 10:30 by the time we got the bikes on and gassed up so later than I'd hoped but not by much.

We hit the road and I thought it was only 3.5 hours but then about half way to Whitecourt I decided to put the directions in the GPS and it said it was 3.5 hours from then and I'd already driven for a half hour.

The directions took me toward Drayton Valley then it turned off and took me through all these back roads.
The scenery was really nice - I like going on the back roads so I enjoyed the drive.

It was close to 4pm when we made it to Sylvan Lake and we weren't able to get into our Airbnb until 5 pm so we decided to go get something to eat.

We did some quick research on Google and settled on a place called Son of a Beach.
The had a rooftop patio and it was a gorgeous day out so we asked to be seated up there.

Thank goodness we had some shade - it was gorgeous out there and HOT!
Freya didn't want to be in the picture.

She changed her mind but still had a frown on.

Finally got her to smile for a selfie with Grandma.

The food was pretty good.
Jason got the salmon salad, it was a pretty salad.

I got a citrus salad - it was tasty.

Freya didn't want anything to eat - she laid under the table and watched YouTube videos.

After we finished eating - we went to an ice cream place next door for some ice cream.

Jason was pretty stoked to see they had black licorice flavor.

When you get a couple straws.....

Walrus girl.

Putting Papa's sunglasses on Nanny.

Making sure they look good.

Nevermind Nanny - Freya is going to wear them instead.
Oops, that's the wrong way.

There we go.

I like it better when you can see her beautiful little face.

By the time we finished ice cream it was after 5 and we were able to head over to the Airbnb.
Crystal, Zepplyn, Jen and the boys were already.
It was a no frills kind of place but plenty of space and beds.

After we hauled our luggage in and figured out where everyone was sleeping, Jason, Crystal and I took Zepplyn and Freya for a walk.

Looking to see if there is a shortcut to the lake.
We were heading down to the lake but found a playground along the way so had to stop and check it out.

I was remarking on how much merry-go-rounds have changed since the wheels of death we used to play on when we were little.

These ones look infinitely safer.

It didn't turn out to be the case though, Jason took a turn pushing the girls round and he is much stronger so they were going faster, Zepplyn stood up to try to move to another spot or something and ended up falling off and breaking her glasses..
I think she was more kind of shocked and upset over her glasses than she was hurt.
We offered to take her home but she wanted to keep going and check out the lake.

We saw some pretty sunflowers along the way.

And a kitty missing a tail.

Freya insisted on carrying the bag for me.

We found kind of a shortcut to the lake and the sun was setting - it was so nice.

Freya was right in there - the water was as warm as bath water - so nice.
You could walk out for quite a ways too and it didn't get very deep.

The water was so calm - it was very pretty.

We weren't at the beachy part of the lake, there was a wall along where we were and the water came right up to it but there were stairs.

We stayed for a bit while the girls had a bit of a swim.

Nice evening for a dip.

She was enjoying herself.

I went in with them too but just walking.

Good thing we brought towels.

Some pretty flowers we saw on the way home.

Running around like a super hero.

I'd never been to Sylvan Lake before so I wasn't sure what to expect but I'm really impressed so far.


Our little darling posing with the sun setting in the background.

Back at the house, Adrien, Mel, Alivia and Hunter had arrived and everyone was playing games.
Jason, Crystal and I made a quick trip to Walmart to get a few groceries then we all hung out for the rest of the evening.

Looking forward to the rest of the week here.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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