Saturday 19 August 2023

Weigh In Day and Happy Birthday Haylee (Aug.14, 2023)

Monday means weigh in day. 

I was 210.6 lbs.

That's up a bit since last weigh in.
Not good, but not horrible either.
I was eating some treats on the weekend so it wasn't unexpected.

I made sure to hop on the treadmill on my lunch hour to get my 5k run in.

As usual, it felt good to get it done.
I was super duper sweaty!

Today is Haylee's birthday so I last minute decided to have everyone over for cake.
Jen baked the cake for me this afternoon then when I got home, I iced it.
It's the Banana Sour Cream cake I we make all the time, a family favorite for sure.
We did use a cherry chip cake mix in place of the yellow cake it normally calls for and we added strawberries to pretty it up.

Morgan and Calum cake over, both Zepplyn and Freya took a liking to him.


Jen,Haylee, the boys, Kody and Freya.

Zepplyn photo bombing.

She was being silly.

Cake time - Freya was nervous of all the flames from the candles.

Blowing out the candles.

Happy birthday Mommy!

The cake was a hit and there was barely any left which is a good thing.

Baby bump photo.

Crystal posted a bunch of pictures for Haylee for her birthday - I thought I would share them here.

I can totally see Freya in her.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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