Monday 28 August 2023

Rainy Day (Aug.24, 2023)

Short work week for me this week but a busy one.

We only have two Happy Friday's left - going back to a 5 day work week is going to be tough and I'm not looking forward to it, that's for sure.

It was rainy and glum out today so I didn't get out for a walk at all today.

If it had been just sprinkling I might have but it was a down pour most of the day.

That's ok though, I got a lot of work done - I got all caught up with emails from when I was away so that felt good.

After work, I hopped on the treadmill to get my 5k run in.
It felt a bit tough today so I stayed at a speed of 4.0 the whole time but I got it done and that's the main thing.

Speed doesn't matter to me at this point - I'm just glad to get myself moving.

It was a quiet evening - I finished reading my book - The Plain Truth.
It was good - I enjoyed it.

Then I just spent the rest of the evening catching up on some of my YouTube Vloggers that I follow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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