Monday 14 August 2023

Big Fire and New Color for Jen (Aug.11, 2023)

Since we had Monday off this week, we did not get Friday off.

It's the only Friday we have to work in the summer - kind of a bummer but it's only one.

 The sun has made an appearance over here and I was so happy to see it.

I made sure I got out for a walk to the road this morning so I could bask in it.
It was a little windy but I didn't care.

There was an accident on the railroad tracks in Whitecourt this morning.
These are not my pictures - I didn't see it myself but looks like quite a commotion.

Everyone got out safely and nobody was injured so that was good.

It was quite the blaze.

Just a few more pictures of the fire.

Not sure if someone was trying to race the train or what?


This was the smoke in Whitecourt but you could see it all the way from here in Swan Hills which is like an hour away almost.
Where it happened is the main highway in Whitecourt and it was shut down for pretty much the rest of the day so a lot of the traffic was re-routed through Swan Hills.

This is some of the traffic coming from Whitecourt - I've never seen so much traffic in Swan Hills.

I didn't feel like working out at lunchtime so I waited until after work then hopped on the treadmill right away as soon as I got home.
I ran 5k.
I could have gone outside I guess but I didn't feel like it.

Always feels great to have my workout complete.

These two were cuddled together sleeping on my bed.

Sometimes they fight and other times they snuggle like this.
I prefer the times that they snuggle!!!

Freya wanted a visit so Kody dropped her off and first thing she did was climb into her car seat and she wanted buckled in too.

Just chilling in her car seat.
We have a booster in the car for her but she prefers this one so I think we might put it in the car for her.
She's ok with only the booster as far as the law goes but this one is still more comfortable for her.

My sister is meeting some friends in the city tomorrow so she wanted to do her hair.
She went down and picked up a couple box dyes today and I offered to put it in for her.
This is the before.

This is the after.

I really like how the color came out.
I think it looks awesome.

Rob and Kody came over for a visit and we put on Guardians of the Galaxy 3 for us all to watch.
Freya wasn't interested at all and wanted to go for a bike ride so Jason took her.

They ended up at Burger Baron and she wanted a donair so Jason called to have me bring him his wallet.
I brought it down to him and stayed and we had supper there.
Haylee showed up while we were there and sat and chatted with us for the whole time we were there.

Kody and Haylee both have to work tomorrow so Freya spent the night and I'm going to take her to the city with us tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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