Tuesday 8 August 2023

Weigh In Day (Aug.7, 2023)

Today was weigh in day and as expected, it was not good.

I was 210.2 lbs.

That's up 4.2 lbs since last weigh in.
Too many treats on the weekend.

Need to nip that in the bud right away!

Jason, Jen and I went out for a walk this afternoon and we got caught in a hail storm.
We might have kept going but it was coming down really hard and fast, and it was super cold.

We were near the school so we went and stood under the overhang at the front entrance.

We were soaked.
We called my brother Rob and he was just getting home from work so he came and picked us up and took us home.

I was working on my blog a bit and I got up to do something and when I came back, Little Miss Asia had stolen my spot.

It cleared up later on in the day and the sun came out so Jason and I headed out for a walk so I could get the rest of my steps in.

Jason cooked us pizzas for supper in the pizza oven.

He made cheese and pepperoni and they were delicious!

Freya agrees!

After supper, Morgan and Rob came over, Adrien brought Hunter over and Kody brought Freya over.
We played a couple games of Drawful on the Jackbox TV with the kids.
We had lots of fun.

Hunter and Freya both wanted to spend the night so I got them set up on the couches in the living room.
Hunter fell asleep pretty quickly then Freya ended up coming in bed with us.

Alivia got a phone for her birthday and she posted a few pictures.

Super close up of Hunter.

From when we were in the city on the weekend.

The diner we went to for breakfast on the weekend.

Miss Alivia.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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