Monday 14 August 2023

Swimming and Pizza (Aug.12, 2023)

Jen and the boys, Freya and I are all heading into Edmonton for the night and I wanted to get my workout in first so I got up, had my coffee and headed down to the treadmill.

I had planned on trying to go outside for a workout but Freya woke up when I did and she wasn't wanting me to leave so I figured the treadmill would just be easier.

I ran 5k and it felt good.

Always happy to get my workout done!
Freya kept me company the whole time.
She wasn't feeling pictures this morning.

After my workout, we got ready and hit the road.
We hit a bit of traffic and had to make a bathroom stop so we got Jen to her dinner date with her friends a half hour late which I felt bad about but better late than never I guess.

While Jen had lunch with her friends, I took the boys and Freya to Smash Burger for lunch.
Both boys are fussy when it comes to food but they both like hamburgers and in particular the burgers at Smash Burger and Freya and I like it too so all good.

The boys.

Freya and I.

We had some time to kill waiting for Jen so we went to the park and Freya played.

Just spinning.

Remember when you were young and making yourself dizzy was such a fun thing to do?
Or was that just me?

The boys sat and played on their game boys.

Freya bumped her head pretty good so we left and went for some desserts just to get her mind off of it.
We went to the Italian Market and the kids each picked out something.
Then Jen texted that she was ready so we popped over and picked her up.

We headed to the hotel and checked in - we stayed in the Best Western in St. Albert.
Freya figured out how to get up on the rails in the elevator and she did it every time we were in the elevator.

We got our swimsuits on and headed to the pool.
Freya is doing so well.

There were a couple little boys there too - Freya was kind of playing with one of them.
Then the younger of the two got out of pool, pulled down his trunks and just started peeing right there.
It was so funny - his mom felt so bad but kids just do stuff sometimes.
At least he was out of the pool.

Jen and the boys chilling in the hot tub.

She was done her swimming and got herself a towel and made herself comfortable.


We had a good time swimming - spent about 2 hours in the pool.
Then when we were finished, we went back to the room and ordered pizza and just basically spent the evening in the hotel room.

Meanwhile back in Swan Hills, Jason was out hunting for blueberries - he found a few but not many.

Haylee posted this picture of she and Freya - not sure when it was taken but I love it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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