Saturday 26 August 2023

Rainy Day in Sylvan Lake (Aug.18, 2023)

The weather sure took a turn from what we experienced yesterday.

We had rain all day long - it waffled back and forth between just sprinkling to downright pouring and it went on the whole entire day.

Jason didn't let that stop him and he headed out early this morning to get a long run in - 21 k to be exact.

He saw some interesting things on his walk and sent me some pictures.

He went back up into the area we biked too last night - Norglenwold - doesn't exactly roll of the tongue does it?

He happened along this place that had metal sculptures for sale.

This big Easter Island statue was cool.

So were these skeleton guys.

And this big cube thing.

He saw a deer too on his adventures.

When he got home, he showered and we took Freya out for a bit.
There are a bunch of little shops so we went and checked them out.

We went to the second hand store - I got some fabric but that was it.
We also went to a candy store for Freya.

Of course we had to take advantage of the picture opportunity.

She makes a cute mermaid.

A mural on the wall in the downtown area.

We were going to go to a sandwich shop we saw but it was closed.
There were some neat sculptures outside of it.

A cool doorstop we saw inside one of the shops - looks like it was made with railroad pins.

We took her to Burger Parlour first for something to eat and she fell asleep in the car on the way there.

She snuggled with Papa for a little bit until the food came.

Jason had a spicy chicken sandwich - he said it was really good.

I had the mushroom swiss burger and it was really good.

Freya wanted hot wings with ranch.

She put a good dent in them.

We had ice cream for dessert.
Freya and I had hard ice cream and Jason had an ice cream sundae but Freya figured his looked better so she took that instead.

Pretty much she ate all the chocolate off it then she let Jason have it back.

We took her to Walmart next because we needed a few things and she tested out some bikes like she always does.

Back at the house the kids played with the toys we'd picked up at the second hand store and at Walmart.

Freya said she didn't want the other kids to take her stuff but then as soon as she got home - she shared everything with them.

Jason making a video of his run - he's getting quite good at editing films together.

Another rousing game of Heads Up was going on in the living room.

Callum's turn.

For this round - the clues had to be acted out, kind of like Charades.
It was fun.

Testing out some candy.

I felt bad that I didn't get out for a run and I called around to see if I could find a gym with a treadmill that I could get a daypass at but I couldn't find one.
The Next center did have an indoor track though so Jason and I headed over there.

It was really nice - I thought running laps would be boring but it wasn't that bad actually and I got a 5k run in - I felt really good about it.

Afterwards we stopped to try out a pizza place nearby the Airbnb called Lago Pizza and Pasta.

Jason got the pepperoni.

I got a mango tango one and it was really good.

We also tried out the dry ribs and they were really good too.

Back at the house they'd hooked up the Switch and they had extra controllers so a bunch of them were all playing and they were having a great old time.

Jason and Freya chilling out.

Jen having some popcorn.

Haylee and Crystal's sister drove up for a few days tonight.
They got here late - Freya was happy to see her mom.
I'm glad they could make it for a few days.

That's all for today but until next time, be happy!

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