Wednesday 9 March 2022

Sneaker Addiction (Mar.6, 2022)

After a rough night, neither of us really felt like heading out for a run, we would have had to take turns and it was pretty cold out so we both decided we'd wait until we got home to do them.

Kinder eggs are the best.
Jason had gotten Freya a couple of giant kinder eggs yesterday and they had forgotten about them.
We found them this morning when we were packing up so she just had to open them.

It's such a shame that Freya doesn't eat the chocolate from her kinder eggs so it usually ends up being wasted because it's such good chocolate.
Full disclaimer - I did have a piece of it.
Then I packed up the rest and maybe she'll eat it later or I'll send it home for Kody and Haylee to eat.

The kinder eggs were Lady Bug ones and she ended up getting Adrien in one of them and then his alter ego, Cat Noir in the other one which was awesome as he is her favorite character in the show.

She and Jason played with them for a while this morning.
She basically tells him what to say and do then he repeats it.
So cute.

After we checked out, we got coffees at Timmies then stopped at Walmart to pick up some things that we needed.

Freya tried out the ride at Walmart.
She liked it so much she had to do it twice.

We were going to go for vegetarian food today but in the end decided to have pizza again.

The Famosa in Spruce Grove closed and a new place opened up there called The Pizza Spot so we decided to give it a try.

It looks exactly the same inside as when it was Famosa, they didn't change a thing.
As you can see, this is the point where Freya decided she didn't want the bun in anymore and she pulled it out and let her hair down.

Sometimes you just have to move to the music.

We shared a Maple Walnut salad and it was delicious.

I tried the Meatball bacon pizza.
It was ok.
I could have done without the big slices of meatball.
I really liked the crust but I liked the tomato sauce on the pizza from Swan Pizza yesterday better.

Jason tried a vegetarian pepperoni and mushroom pizza.
I tried a bite but the cheese on it was awful - it stuck to the inside of your mouth and it didn't taste good.
I don't know how Jason ate a few slices of it, I could barely get down the one bite.

Meatball pizza at The Pizza Spot in Spruce Grove.

The last stop we made before heading home was at Home Depot to pick up the shower.
I thought it was going to be an ordeal getting it into the truck but Jason ended up doing it all by himself!

I love that the days are getting longer, in the dead of winter we would have been driving home in the dark but not today.
Mind you it wasn't that late when we got home, 5:30 pm, but it was still perfectly light out.

We unpacked everything, Kody came over and helped Jason to take the shower downstairs.
He visited for a short bit and tried to take Freya home but she just wasn't ready to go.

So he left and let her stay for a bit to visit.
Jason headed out for a run while it was still light out and Freya and I hung out.

I should have gone down and got going on my run but I kept procrastinating.
Finally when Jason got back I headed down.

I had to run 4 miles or 7 km today and it felt super tough.
The longer I procrastinate, the harder it is to get going.

I got through it though and was super happy when it was done.

Marathon training update - tried out my new kicks and I loved them.

They are Nike React Infinity.

I got these ones a half size bigger so I could wear thicker socks with them.

These are the second pair I got yesterday.
They are Nike Zoom Pegasus 36 - these I got in my actual size, size 8.

I love the color of them, they look kind of orangey in these pictures but they are actually a nice bright pink color.
I can't wait to test these out tomorrow.

Having new gear to try out is definitely an incentive to work out.

Kody came back while I was running and picked Freya up.
I spent the rest of the evening looking at VRBO rentals in Florida.
I've been wanting to do a family trip to Disney forever and it keeps getting postponed.
I had wanted to go this April for my 50th birthday but with Covid and everything, I was kind of thinking of October.
However, I really want to go for about 10 days and Jason is already taking off extra days for our Iceland trip in August so I just decided today that maybe February of 2023 would be best.

I called my sister to see if that works for her and it does so I started looking at places.
I am going to just go ahead an book because I just don't want to put it off any longer.
That gives everyone about a year to prepare, save and get passports.
Hopefully everyone can come but if not, I don't want to keep postponing.
I want to take the kids while they are still young enough to enjoy it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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