Tuesday 22 March 2022

Pedicures and Bra Shopping (Mar.19, 2022)

I'm heading into the city today with Nadine and Bonnie to do some shopping for Vegas clothes and to get pedicures.

So I wanted to get up and get my workout done before we headed in - I didn't want it hanging over my head all day.

So just after 6 am I headed to the treadmill and got it done!

On the training schedule for today was a 3 mile or 5 km run.
I was worried that my blister would really bother me and that I wouldn't be able to run.
I kind of busted it accidentally when I removed the bandaid that I'd put on it last night and even though I read that you aren't supposed to do that, I think it kind of helped.

The first sneakers (my Pegasus Zooms) I had put on were rubbing against it so I changed into my Infinity React and those didn't it rub at all.

Video check in for today.

After my workout I got showered and ready and had just enough time to make a coffee before the girls pulled up to pick me up at 8 am.

We stopped at McDonald's in Westlock for a breakfast sandwich then headed on in to the St Albert Mall.

We stopped at the nail place first to make appointments but they were able to take us right in.

Pedicure selfie!

I'm so indecisive - it took me a while to decide on which color I wanted.
I'd actually picked a blue/green color first but when she put it on, I didn't like it.
She'd only done one toe so she was ok with wiping it off and letting me pick another color.

I went with orange.
I'm glad, I really like the bright orange.

After our pedicures, we went shopping.
We all needed some summery clothes for our vegas trip and I think we all got a few things.
I really needed some good bras which I've been avoiding shopping for just because it's a pain to try bras on.
I also kind of didn't really know what size I was now since I've lost weight.
I got it figured out though and got myself two new good bras.
They were pricey, 60 bucks a piece, but I really needed them.

I've been living in either sports bras or old bras from before I lost weight that are really way to big for me now.

Nadine's birthday was on Mar.5 so today was kind of her birthday dinner trip.
She wanted to go for Thai food so that's what we did.


Nadine and I.

We ordered the appetizer platter.

I ordered my Tom Kha soup that I love.
It was delicious - nice and sweet the way I like it.

I also ordered Pad Thai but I was pretty full by the time it came out so I didn't make much of a dent in it.
I took the leftovers home to Jason.

We had dessert too, I had the purple sticky rice with mango and ice cream.
It wasn't that good, the mango wasn't fresh, it was frozen.
It wasn't horrible, I've just had better.

After supper, we made a couple more stops then we headed home.
It was right around 8 when we got back to town.

Jason was home cooking and sent me a picture of the cinnamon bread he made.
I had a piece as soon as I got home, it was delicious.

He'd also prepared lasagna for tomorrow as we are having everyone over for supper.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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