Sunday 27 March 2022

Queasy Belly But Run Got Done (Mar.25, 2022)

 I went down to the office to work this morning.

I had some things I wanted to print off and I just kind of wanted to see everyone.

I worked there until lunch time then I planned on going for a run outdoors right when I got home but when I did get home, my tummy felt kind of off.

I had eaten an egg, orange and some carrots at break time (10 am) so it should have had plenty of time to settle.

I looked around for something to settle my belly and found these gels that I had picked up for when I start doing long runs so I thought I would give it a try.
It said to give it 15 minutes so that's what I did.
It actually tasted pretty good.

I still wasn't feeling the best and I wasn't sure how my belly would react to the gel but I still wanted to get my workout done so I decided to skip outside for today and just hop on the treadmill just in case I needed to be close to the facilities.

I did my 4 miles in an hour (including my warm up and warm down).
I didn't break any world records on my time but I got it done and that's what counts!

My video check in for today.

I got a new badge on my Fitbit today.

Haylee posted this cute picture of Freya chowing down on pickle juice.
I had no idea she liked pickle juice so much.

I decided at the end of the day that I felt like getting a manicure so I called the spa here in town and she was able to get me in.
I'd never been so I wanted to try it out and I felt like being pampered a little bit.
Here is the before picture.

This color was my second pick (she couldn't find the first color) but I'm happy with it.
These are just my nails, not tips or anything, but she shaped them and cleaned up my cuticles and all for just $35.00 which I thought was awesome.

Fabulous Advice!

I had considered having Freya over tonight but my belly just didn't feel good all night long so I figured I'd better now in case I was coming down with something, I didn't want to pass it along.
I picked up Subs from Subway for Jason and I for supper and we had an early night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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