Tuesday 15 June 2021

Tres Leches Treat and Biking Hawrelak Park (June 13, 2021)

The hotel bed was so divine and they had the best room darkening shades.

I was shocked to find out it was after 9 am when I woke up.

The glorious sun was out and I just knew that it was going to be another fabulous day.


We both got ready and headed out for a run.

We just went around the hotel area. There is a residential area right behind it and it had trails and ponds, very well maintained and beautiful.

I wanted to get 5k in but ended up doing 7k.

Not the best splits but hey, a run is a run!

We checked out then headed over to Pita Bake for breakfast/lunch.

Of course we sat out in their patio area - there's no way I wanted to eat inside and miss out on this gorgeous weather.

We had chicken shawarma's and they were fabulous as always.

We noticed that a new Empanada place had opened right next door so of course we had to try it out.

(Morgan asked me to help her decorate her bedroom and she really likes black and white and grey so I thought this wall might be a nice idea for her room.)

We tried two different empanada's and they were good but more importantly, they had Tres Leches cake.
So you know I had to get a slice.

Jason and I shared but I think my share was bigger.

Honestly I could have eaten the whole thing on my own no problem.
It was just as wonderful as I thought it would be.

Our original plan when we came to the city was to head over to Devon and do some biking on their trails.
Morgan said they have awesome biking trails.

But the day was wasting away quickly and Devon is a bit of a drive so instead we looked for a park to check out right in Edmonton.

We did some research and finally settled on Hawrelak Park.

We came across a huge family of geese first thing.
Look at all those babies!

They were crossing our path so we had to stop and take some pictures.

It made Jason realize that he'd forgotten his camera so we went back to the car to get it.

This park is just so beautiful.

I'm glad Jason went back for his camera.
He snaps all kinds of pictures while we are biking and I wouldn't have any otherwise.

When we got back down by the pond, the duck family were out on the water.

It took us a bit but we finally found all the trails and they were every where.
They went over bridges.

Through wooded areas.

Next to the river.

There were a bunch of parks all connected so we were all over the river valley area and it's just beautiful.

There are several bridges in the downtown area of Edmonton and we passed a bunch of them.

There is the Walter Dale bridge off in the distance.

Of all the bridges in the river valley, I think this one is the nicest.

Picked up a passenger.

We crossed over one of the bridges.

Love this blue jay mural - glad Jason snapped a shot of it.

We were all over the place exploring.

I think this river valley area is the prettiest part of Edmonton.

Back at the Walter Dale bridge again, this time on the other side.
I just love the looks of this bridge.

We decided to cross over it to get back to the side we started out on.

I actually got out my phone to snap a couple pictures of Jason riding since he's always taking pictures of me and there are normally none of him.

More neat murals.

Someone added to the sign.

I wanted to hit up Costco before it closed so we had to finish up our bike ride.

We covered over 22k and were out there for close to 2 hours and I loved every minute.
I honestly could have kept going for another hour.

Biking is quickly becoming my new favorite past time.
I see us exploring all kinds of new trails this summer and I'm so excited and looking forward to it.

We packed up the bikes and on the way over to Costco realized we had an extra passenger.
Found one on myself too so we stopped and let them out on the grass.
Jason didn't want to just throw them out into the traffic!

We stopped and checked out the new Costco on Stoney Plain road.
It is geared more to businesses so didn't have clothes or books or any of that stuff but it had pretty much everything we were looking for.

We also made a stop at Superstore so I could stock up on chocolate hummus and chocolate tahini then we headed for home.

Kody called and said Freya was missing us and we were missing her so as soon as we drove in to town, we called to see if she was still up and told Kody to bring her over to spend the night with us.

She wanted a bubba first thing.
I'm going to miss her demanding it when she eventually grows out of it.

She confiscated my phone (as usual) and took some pictures all by herself.
Her new socks I got her.

Papa hamming it up for her.

Thumbs up.

Showing his muscles.

A couple of her shots were blurry but otherwise she did pretty good.

I got her a new water toy and she had to try it immediately when I showed it to her so outside we all went.

Watch out Papa - I'm going to get you.

She used up all the water in the bucket so had to fill it up again.

10 pm at night and we were out playing with water toys!
(Grandma's picture was a little blurry too).

I had a few treats this weekend so I know it's going to show up on the scale so I'm prepared for that and I'm also ok with that.

I'll just get right back at it tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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