Saturday 12 June 2021

Kody's Birthday Dinner (June 10, 2021)

Another busy day at work today.

Looks like Alberta will be moving to Stage Two of easing restrictions which lifts the work from home order (but still recommends it) but I imagine we will be going back to the office soon.

There are things I'm definitely going to miss about being at home but I'm looking forward to interacting with all of my co-workers on a regular basis again.


Yesterday was a rest day so today was a run day.

I didn't quite get my 8k that I normally do because I had to use the facilities but that's ok, I think 7k is still pretty good.

It was feeling extra hard today too for some reason.

So weird how one day can feel so easy then the next day, it feels so much harder.

My splits for the run.

Even my splits show that I was struggling more than the last run.
All that matters is to just keep going and doing it though.

I don't care about my time really, just that I do it.
I will work on speed maybe in the future (maybe not).

We were having everyone over for supper tonight for Kody's birthday.
Jason cooked a ham and a Sheppard's pie which is what Kody requested.
Then we also had potato salad and Caesar salad (also a Kody request).

Mel had to work and Tanner was with his Dad who was kind of having a bad day but everyone else was able to make it.

Jason and I ended up sitting at the little kids table.

Happy birthday Kody.

Jason made him and ice cream cake.

Ice cream cake from Dairy Queen is his favorite and I normally get him one but I think the one's Jason makes are better than DQ.
I don't like the DQ ones but I like the one Jason makes.

I wasn't going to have any but I just couldn't resist.

She was so excited that today was 'Daddy's Birthday Day"!
That's what she calls it, it's so cute.

Hunter really liked the cake too which is amazing because he is super fussy.
He refused to eat it last time because he saw that it had caramel sauce.
He asked me if this one had caramel sauce and I said no (I lied) and he ended up loving it and ate two slice.
A little white lie was ok in this case I think.

The birthday boy.
He got this shirt when we were in Okotoks and I love the green color, it looks really good on him.

Freya joined Jason and I at the little table.

She suddenly started doing the "V" symbol for pictures, wonder where she picked that up from?

Birthday message for Daddy from Freya.

Everyone hung out a for a while after supper which was nice.
I wish we did it more often.

Alivia, Kody and Haylee.

Mom and Morgan.

Freya did not want to go home when everyone else left so we let her sleep over (of course).
We just love having her and she fell asleep almost immediately.

I love when she falls asleep cause then I get lots of cuddles.
We thought she was out for the night but we were wrong.
She napped for about 2 hours but then she woke up and was raring to go.

I got a bad case of the munchies tonight and did A LOT of snacking.

I had a second piece of ice cream cake, a couple of granola bars, a couple chocolates, sunflower seeds and popcorn.
I could have been far worse I know but I still feel bad so I've decided that I'm going to skip my rest day tomorrow and go for another run.

She and Nanny fed the kitties and some of the food spilled on the floor so she insisted that Nanny help her clean it up.

She got the broom and gave it to Mom and told her to sweep then she got down on the floor with the dust pan to collect it all.

She was just bossing mom around and it was so cute.

Team Work!

They got it all cleaned up to her satisfaction!

Right before bed, she decided she wanted a bed time snack.
Of course she wanted what every little two year old wants for a bed time snack.....

Spicy noodles!
She can take more heat than I can.

We managed to get her to bed after she ate but it was still after 1:30 am before she fell asleep.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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