Friday 4 June 2021

Calgary Farmyard and Saskatoon Farm - One Day, Two Farms (May 28, 2021)

We got up and had a coffee then headed out for a run.
We didn't go together - Jason is still much faster than me and I don't want to hold him back or to feel like I have to push myself super hard to catch up.

Jason took these pictures - the view on our run.

Those are the mountains off in the distance - so pretty.

He snapped one of me as we crossed paths.

My plan was to run 4k out then turn around and go back which would give me 8k all together, however, around the 3k mark, I suddenly felt like I needed to go to the washroom.

I pushed it until 3.5k thinking the feeling would pass but it just go more intense so I had to turn around and head back.

Then around the 5k mark, I couldn't even run anymore, it was just jiggling things around too much so I had to walk the rest of the way back.

Which I did in misery - It felt like it took forever and I was so afraid that I wasn't going to make it.
I was wishing I had my phone with me so I could call Jason to come and get me.

I ended up making it but it was a terrible experience.

My splits.

Everyone was having breakfast when I got back - I got showered up and we got ready to head out.

We had tickets for the Calgary Farmyard at noon.

It looked like it was going to be a cute little place.

There was no line or anything, we were able to walk right on in.

The girls - Freya likes to copy what Zepplyn is doing, makes her feel like a big girl.

The very first thing we saw was this cute calf.

Of course the girls wanted to pet him.

Next up, miniature donkeys.

They were so cute and fuzzy.

Freya wasn't hesitant to pet them at all, she got right in there.

I think she literally would have gotten right in there with them if she could have.

A new donkey came over to say Hello.

Saying Hi to all the farm animals.

OMG - how adorable is this guy.

There were lots of cute displays like this one.

Next up, the chicks.

I think these were Freya's favorite.

She was trying to get her fingers in there to pet them.

She could have stayed there and just watched them for hours.

It was tough convincing her to leave them.

Silly photo time.

Next up - the slide.

You had to get up to the second story of the park to go down the slide and it wasn't so easy to get up there.

You had to climb up a rope tunnel so I helped Freya get up there and she wanted me to go down the slide with her.

I'm so thankful that I've lost weight and am able to do things like this with her.
90 lbs ago, I'm not sure that I would have been able.

She and Zepplyn would have played there for the rest of the day but we still had more to see.

Like baby goats.
Who doesn't love baby goats.

You could actually get inside the pen with them.

Freya was trying to catch one - she didn't have much luck.

I was trying to just catch a good picture of them and I didn't have much luck at that either, they were too busy running around.

Look at this one's blue, blue eyes - so pretty.

We bought some food so we could feed the animals and we started with the alpaca's.
It was only $3 bucks for a big paper bag full of food.

Staring contest.

She was having a grand time.

More hay please so I can feed the animals.

They are so goofy looking but its so cute.

This guy (or gal) came over to check things out.

I love the lop sided ears.

Everyone wants in on that hay.

Posing pretty for a picture.

Love the horns and the shaggy do.

The slide was next.
I had to go down it with her - I forgot how much fun a slide could be.

Mom went down with her next.

Then Papa and Grandma Crystal - everyone wanted in on the slide fun.

Papa went down with them several times.

Zepplyn even went down on her knees.

I called these the giant hamster wheels.
They had a bunch of them side by side so you could race each other.

I think Haylee won this race.

We tried out the go karts.

More displays.

There were these animated chickens that told jokes.

There was a mini town.

The girls checking out the jail.

A couple of hardened criminals right there.

Wonder what she is in for?

Let me out!

An old wagon they had on display.

They even had zip lines - we all took a turn.

There was another giant slide that the kids checked out next.

Kind of anti-climactic though - for some reason, it wasn't slippery at at all.

You kind of had to push yourself down it.

I told her to lay down because her jacket was slippery so I thought that might help her go faster - it didn't - she's just kind of laying there in the middle of the slide.
Ha ha
She didn't care, she was having fun.

Next we headed over to the giant bouncy pillows.
Trying to take pictures while I was bouncing wasn't working.

Jason got some pictures of us mid jump.

Then I got off and let him have a turn.

Jumping is a lot of fun, even for adults.

They had the whole thing to themselves.

Come with me Papa.

And he's down.
There were two of these giant jumping pillows right beside each other so lots of room for lots of jumpers.

Jason stayed on there with them for quite a while.

Love how her hair is in the air - caught her at the end of a jump.

Still jumping

Haylee got on with them next.

Freya doing a somersault.

Jump, jump, jump.

We made our way over to a rope obstacle course next.

There were these little rope bridges you could cross.

Helping Grandma cross.

We went back to the go kart area so the girls could try the trikes out.

The pedals were a bit far away so Freya wasn't able to reach them.
I tried pushing her but that wasn't as fun as riding it herself.

They had a couple of these giant rocking chairs - I couldn't get Freya to go on it so we just stood next to it instead.

We spent a few hours there and it was a great place to take kids to - I'd go back for sure.

We had some time so we hit up Saskatoon Farm next.
It was right up the street from our rental place.

It was like a garden center but it also had a mercantile and a restaurant.
Love those rock heads on the hill.

They had all kinds of them - there was no price on them but I'm pretty sure they were out of my price range.

Just some random wooden shoes on display.

There was a look out area where you could see out over the Bow River - very pretty.

These plant pots were so cute.

Checking out the garden center.

There was a cool gargoyle on top of the brown building in the picture.
We only had an hour there before the place closed so we went through it really fast but I'm glad we got to see it.

After our day of adventures, we headed in to Okotoks to get some supper.
We found this place that had good reviews so went there and ordered food for take out.
It was just hopping there and they told us about 20 minutes so while we were waiting, we went and got ice cream.

This place was only a couple minutes from where we'd ordered food so we hopped over there and got ice creams.
I got sugar free but it was still a delicious treat.

There is no dining in in restaurants due to Covid restrictions so we picked up our food and found a park nearby to sit and eat it in.
There was a little area that had these kind of long steps so it was perfect.

We saw a squirrel there in the trees - Freya is trying to catch him.

I had spring rolls for my supper and a banh mi sandwich and the other adults all had pho.
I think we all enjoyed our meals.

Sitting with Grandma.
After we ate, we headed back to our vrbo.

Jason and I hopped on our bikes and went for a 5k ride.
He got this great shot of some cows that we passed.

Crystal posted some of the pictures that she took from our adventures today so I thought I would share those here - she got some good ones.

It's tough getting everyone to look at the same time.

Nice scuba gear.

Crystal and Zepplyn at the look out at Saskatoon Farm.

A totem pole at Saskatoon Farm.

Ha ha - love this one.

Playing in the little house.

Testing out her bull riding skills.

Windmill at Calgary Farm.

Giant rocking chair.

Slide fun.

Goat trying to escape (not really, he was just looking for food).

Zepplyn found a new friend - can I take him home mom?

Freya and her chicks.

One last thing - I saw this on Instagram today and I just love that light fixture - isn't it awesome?

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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