Monday 7 June 2021

Granary Road and Gopher Hunting (May 29, 2021)

 We had a chill morning this morning.

I had my coffee on the deck with Freya and Grandma Crystal.

I love this little face!

After the fiasco with my run yesterday, I decided to just do a walk this morning.
There is a big gulley that you have to go down and then back up right beside the house so I headed that way.

I was feeling really good and I had the urge to run so I did a bit for the 4th km but before I finished the km, I started getting the feeling that I had to go to the washroom again so I stopped running and just walked.
I still got some activity in and a good amount of steps to start my day off so I felt good about that.

Chilling with her mama.

So sweet.

Zepplyn deep into a game on the tablet.

Jason and I - we kind of just chilled a bit this morning - it was nice to not be in a hurry to get anywhere.

We somehow convinced her to let us put a ponytail in her hair.

Selfie with my sweetie.

Two beauties - Haylee took this selfie of her and Freya.

When we did head into Okotoks finally, our first stop was at the second hand store.
There was a line up to get in there and we ended up waiting for quite a while.
I decided to go in last minute and ended up finding some books for Freya.

After thrift shopping, we were all hungry and headed to Little Fast & Fresh for some lunch.

We ordered then stood outside to wait for our food.

The kids made if fun by running around.

Zepplyn showing off her skills.

Freya wanted to give it a try too.

Tightrope walking.
She loves walking along curbs like this - I hold her hand to give her a little extra balance.
After we ate, we were off to Granary Road.

It was a gorgeous day and the sky looked so pretty.

We found a place to park.

Then headed in.

There is this big barn type building at the start with kind of a farmers market inside and restaurants.

Then this whole area for the family.
I love the giant ducks on the pond.

First place was Frog Pond.

It had trampolines in there for the kids to jump on but there was a line up.
Freya did try to jump the line, ha ha, be we didn't want to wait so we just passed by to the next station.

There were cool things all around, like this giant insect.

Pretty Alberta sky again.

Next up was all about mushrooms.
It was really cool because all of the 'stations' were entertaining for the kids but informative and educational too.

Family photo on the giant mushrooms.

The girls could climb up inside the mushroom.
I took the picture from the outside of them.

Jason went up with them and took this picture.

The Orchard was the next stop.
It was basically a playground with giant apples and pears.
Everyone stopped there to play but Jason and I kept going and found a picnic table to sit and eat our lunch.

I had a wrap.
It doesn't look like much but it was pretty good.

Jason had a sandwich too.
We also had a salad but we didn't end up eating it and took it back home with us (we later had it for supper).
We thought our meal was pretty good - Kody had gotten a burger and he said it was the best burger he'd ever had.

There were more activities up the hill for the kids and we met up with the rest of our group as they were heading that way.

Giant flower with a bee.

There were goats just roaming around and the kids thought that was great.

Trying to make friends.

Feeding the goat.

Do you like dandelions?

He wasn't interested.

Maybe this guy will be.

She wasn't giving up, bless her.

It was hard work.

Feeding the goats - one of them wasn't being cooperative with her, ha ha.
Next up, cotton candy.
There was a booth that made these neat cotton candy creations so we had to stop and get some for the kids.

Cotton Candy creations.

Zepplyn got a chick.

Freya got a duck.

It was as big as her head.

Trying cotton candy out for the first time.

When Mom got the pig, Freya had to trade.

Ha ha - hiding behind the pig - it was my favorite.

Next it was on to the petting area.

The girls found more friends in there.

Looking back at the main entrance - it really is a cool place.

There was so much to see here - I wish we had gotten here a bit earlier.
It was 3 pm when we arrived and it closed at 5 pm so we really rushed through.
I would definitely come back again.

She looks so rough and tumble in this picture.

Trying to get the peacock to come over and say hi.

There were about six males in there and they all had their tails in full display.
They were singing too (sounded kind of like cackling but who am I to judge)?

They had alpacas and llamas so we checked those out next.

There were some sheep in there too.

The girls liked watching them.

Their haircuts make them look so goofy but adorable.

The buckteeth just add to the look.

Jason got this terrific shot - love it.

There was a spider web you could climb but we didn't have time to check it out.
Jason and I wanted to check out the Farmers Market before it closed so we left the others and booted on down there.

There was a wood fired pizza place and this pizza sounded delicious - I just had to try it.

So we ordered one.

Then we sat and ate it and just enjoyed the nice day and our beautiful surroundings.
It was good.
The rest of the group caught up with us and they each tried a slice too then it was pretty much 5 pm so we had to leave.

Checking out the rooster by the car.
These wire frame animals were cool.

As soon as we got back to our vrbo, the girls headed out to the trampoline.
Zepplyn's got the moves.
It has been really windy since we got here but it was pretty nice out this evening.

Getting some more use out of that trampoline.
While they played, we made supper then Jason and I went out for a bike ride.

Going on a gopher hunt.
The yard was just littered with them, holes everywhere.
When we turned into the driveway, you could just see them scattering into their hideouts.

Looking back at the house.

Gopher hunter extraordinaire.
I don't know if they actually saw any this evening but Kody got a really good video of them earlier today.

Gorgeous sunset this evening.

We had a relaxing evening.

The girls played with their tablets.

My handsome guy.
He got a shirt in a new color for him and I think it looks great.

We tried to have a game of Skip-Bo but about 3/4 of the way into the game, some water was spilled over everything and the game ended.
It was still fun though but we'll never know who the champ would have been!

Crystal got some awesome shots again today, I like the filter she uses so I thought I'd share her pictures here too.

The girls with their cotton candy creations.

The peacock in all his glory.

The girls on the flower with the giant bee.

Zepplyn feeding the goats.

Freya trying to feed them too.

Going down the apple slide together.

Zepplyn - all smiles.

Freya with the mushrooms.

Haylee checking out the inside of the log.
It was a great day, I'm kind of sad the we are heading home tomorrow - I wish we has some more time.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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