Tuesday 15 June 2021

City Trip - Ramen, Parfaits, Biking, Pizza and Casino (June 12, 2021)

We were heading in to the city for the night but before we left town, Jason wanted to get his run in.
I just ran two days in a row so I wanted to have a rest day.
While he ran, I got caught up on my blog and packed.

We were on the road by 10:30.

We made a couple stops in BH and we hadn't eaten anything so by the time we made it to the city we were both hungry and agreed that we wanted ramen.

Dine in eating is allowed again which I was so excited about (ramen isn't the best meal for take out).
Plus eating in a restaurant again makes me feel like we are getting back to some form of normal living.

I had my favorite, black tonkotsu with corn and extra fried garlic.
It was fabulous.
We keep trying different ramen places here in Edmonton but so far, Kazoku is the best we've found.

For dessert, we drove over to Kingsway mall to hit up the Mish Mash truck.

They make these parfaits that look delicious on instagram.

It's basically toppings in a cup topped with ice cream.
Jason got the fruit one with pistachio and orange blossom ice cream.

I went with the chocolate parfait but had to try the pistachio and orange blossom ice cream too.
The ice cream was really good.

We both really enjoyed our little treat.
It was a gorgeous day out there for ice cream.

Since we were right there, we decided to do a bit of shopping in the mall and ended up closing the place out (it closes at 6 on Saturdays).

I got a couple new sweaters and a pair of shoes.
Jason got new shoes too.
I think we both have a bit of a shoe fettish.

Then we headed over to St Albert to go biking on the trails there.
They have some really great biking trails.

The trails go past St Albert's down town area (which is really cute).

The run all along the river there and there are a couple of neat bridges.

Jason has an eye for neat stuff like this.

We ended up going way out to this park which ended up just being a field really.

Going through the trails in the wooded areas is my favorite.
The sun was dappling through the trees and you could smell that wooded scent combined with the scent of the blooms.
It was so wonderful.

Another bridge.

I was just shy of 20k when we got back to the car so I just rode around the parking lot until I made it.

We covered a lot of distance in our bike ride and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

I think I ate a few bugs but that didn't stop me from being hungry when we got back to the car.

Jason was hungry too even though he figured he'd swallowed quite a few bugs too.

I was in the mood for Famosa pizza.
Turned out they closed at 9 so we just missed them.

Luckily St Albert has another wood fired pizza place, Buco.
So we headed over there.

It was still so lovely out that we just had to sit outdoors to take advantage of it.
I had a Caesar and it hit the spot!


I love these summer days in Alberta where it seems the sun just never goes to bed.

Jason ordered Calabrese which had spicy sopressata, mushrooms and fior di latte.

I thought the Nordica sounded good.
It had speck prosciutto, friulano cheese, walnuts, honey and fior di latter.
It was delicious.

I'm a nut nut so anything with nuts on it is usually a hit for me!

It was so nice to sit out on the patio around other people and feel kind of normal again.

The casino's were allowed to open up again this week too so after we ate, we went there for a bit.
I put in $10 and took out $40 so not a bad investment.

We had a hotel room booked at the Holiday Inn Express in St Albert which is a new hotel that just opened up.
So as you can imagine, it was nice and clean, even had that brand new smell.
The bed and the bedding was divine.
I'm sure we will stay there again.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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