Tuesday 15 September 2020

Movies & Pumpkins (Sept.13, 2020)

I have been waking up a lot through the night for the past week or so, I'm not sure why.

I woke up when My Honey was getting ready for work this morning too and I wasn't really tired so I just go up.

I made a coffee and watched a movie, Love's Enduring Promise.
They are Christian oriented movies, family friendly and I really like them.
There is a whole series of them, this was the second and I think there are about 8 more to go so that will keep me busy for a bit.

My Honey was busy at work cooking.
He came up with a new dessert concoction that he wanted to try out today.
He made an ooey gooey butter cake.

A pie crust bottom.

Then he prepared pecans as if he was making a pecan pie.

Then he layered it all together into one cake.
I'm pretty sure it's going to be fabulous.

He also cooked them up a couple of whole chickens on the bbq.
Those guys out at Battery 9 sure eat well on My Honey's watch.

It was chilly out there today but I dressed up warmly and headed out for a walk.
I went for about an hour.
It felt good to get out and get some exercise in.

When I got home, my niece dropped by.
I told her to come over and pick out a few of the pumpkins I'd made so she did.

Then I spent the day making more.
I sewed a bunch up on the sewing machine then stuffed them and took them to the couch to hand sew.

I watched a couple more movies in the Love Comes Softly series.
Love's Long Journey.

Love's Abiding Joy

Love's Unending Legacy.

I made a larger pumpkin out of one of the sweaters I picked up yesterday at the second hand store.
I like how it looks.
I found a wide stick I'm going to use for the stem when I was out walking earlier today.

These are a couple more pumpkins I finished today.
I got about 4 more sewn but I ran out of stems.
I'll get My Honey to cut me up some more when he gets home.

I cooked up some cauliflower, mixed up a coleslaw and warmed up some left over chicken for supper.
I've had it in my mind that I'm going to be up at my weigh in this week and I don't want to be so I've been being very careful.

My Honey brought home some leftover cake and I had a bite.
It was fabulous!

After supper, we stopped by my son's for a quick visit.

Baby F has a fever and hasn't been feeling very well today.

She perked up a little bit while we were there.

But then we lost her to the You Tube videos on the phone.

She likes watching them on our phones because she can scroll through more videos and pick out what she wants to watch herself.
She can't do that with her dad's phone.

Hopefully our little sweetheart will be feeling better soon.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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