Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Covid Hair Be Gone! (Aug.31, 2020)

 Monday means back to work and it also means weigh in day.

Today's weight, 224.4 lbs.

That's down another 2 lbs, I'm getting so close to 50 - feels so good!

Another thing that feels good - I finally did my hair.

My shower felt so good this morning and I just had the urge to lose the bun for a day.
It will make a reappearance I am certain because it is easy but for today, I'm rocking my long locks again.

It was windy out there but I got out for my walk this morning.

Signs that Autumn is on it's way are everywhere.

Maybe I have a morbid sense of humor but this made me laugh out loud for real.

My cousin posted this listing so I checked it out.
What a cute place - 8 bedrooms for under $170,000.
It's on the other end of the Island though so not sure it's the right place for us.

I had leftovers from the Freshii bowls I made the other night with some pulled pork on top for lunch and it was yummy.

After work, I walked up to my brother's to bring him some mail and he was just taking Mr H out to ride the little three wheeler.

He took it for a little rip.

He's cautious and likes to keep it in first gear which I think is just fine.

I'm sure before long he'll be tearing around on it.

I got this shelf from my sister when she moved to NS and it's served it's purpose but now I want to get rid of it so I posted it on the local Buy and Sell and someone claimed it within minutes.

I also put 2 of these chairs up - I've always meant to refinish them but never got around to it.
Someone came and picked them up within a half hour too.
Pretty good - I can't wait to purge some more stuff if it goes that fast.

This is 100% how I feel.

When My Honey got home from work, we had salad with pulled pork on it for supper.
We had this new salad kit, Everything Bagel Salad and it was delicious.

I made a whole pork loin the other day so I think we'll still be eating it for another day or two.

We started watching this last night and PVR'd the rest to watch tonight.
What a terrible tragedy that was.

It really makes me wonder how people get involved in these kinds of situations.
It's easy to sit on the outside and judge the people who joined the Peoples Temple but how does a person really know what they would have done in the same situation?
I think when they first get involved their motives are good but how does it turn so bad?
I don't understand at all.
The movie had audio of the actual mass suicide as it was happening and you could hear children crying and screaming in the background -  it was very disturbing.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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