Wednesday 2 September 2020

Hot Water is Back! (Aug.30, 2020)

 Lazy Sunday.

For a little while anyway.
When I got up, I made a coffee then watched an episode of When Calls the Heart.

I was schedule to watch Baby F at 11:30 so after my coffee, I went out for a walk to get some steps in.

It was super windy and I probably could have used a hat but I survived.

My son called to say that Miss H didn't have to go to work after all due to the weather so I didn't have to babysit after all.

We needed a couple of unions to get the hot water tank hooked up and since the Hardware is closed here in town on Sundays, I made a quick trip to Whitecourt to get what we needed.
That was my first stop when I got there then I also went to the Dollar Store to get a few things.
Finally, I grabbed some cut up pineapple and watermelon and got 200 grams of shave ham to eat on the drive home since I hadn't had any breakfast yet.

My Honey was busy at work making a Rootbeer cake.
It looks really good - I told him to bring home a piece if there was any left so I could try it.

I had leftover pork for supper with coleslaw and corn.

I worked on cleaning this carpet yesterday and again today.
It's as clean as I could get it for now.
I took back the carpet cleaner but once I get everything put back away in the basement, I might rent it again and do the whole of the downstairs.

When My Honey got home from work, he got busy right away installing the hot water tank.
I've been boiling water for the last couple days to do dishes and to clean the carpet and I haven't had a shower so I'm going to be so happy to finally have hot water again.

He assured me he knew what he was doing, but I was still a little stressed out thinking something might go wrong.

Everything was fine though and we had hot water again in no time.

Now I need to work on getting all this stuff put back away.
I think I'm going to get My Honey to build shelves in the laundry room so this might have to stay this way for another week or so until we get that done.
It will be a good chance for me to purge the things we don't need and organize it a bit better.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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