Tuesday 22 September 2020

Life Can Change in the Blink of an Eye (Sept.17, 2020)

 The sun is back and I'm so happy.

It's amazing how much of an effect the weather can have on a person's mood.

I got out for a walk to the town turn off and back this morning.
My Honey was out for a bike ride and he met me for part of the walk.

He sent me these pictures of Paddington just being his cute self this morning.
If we leave any clothes on the bed at all, he has to cuddle right up to them.

OMG I mean come on, is this not the cutest?

He sent me these pictures too - He is going to be watching Miss F for a while this afternoon.
She picked some flowers from our flower bed.

They had snacks.

Then they walked down to the store and she got a cookie.
(They give out free cookies to kids at the store if they want one).
She usually waits until we are walking away to say Thank You and then she says it in the deep, gruff little voice which just cracks the ladies up that work there.

She likes to just eat the icing off the top.

Practicing my full length selfie skills.

Got to make sure to get the side views.

And the face.
It might seem vain but I don't care - I'm glad I finally feel good about how I look and these pictures track my progress and make me feel proud.

My Honey took Baby F to the park.

My SIL was there with Mr H so they got to play together for awhile.
Baby F loves playing with him.

She was sooo happy to see him.

My Honey was testing out his black and white setting again.

She was pretending to be a dog and fetched a stick for My Honey.

Mr H tried his hand at photographer and got this nice picture of his mom.

They have work out equipment in the park and the kids love to play on it.

Mr H is a pretty strong little guy.

Showing off his kicking skills

He's little but he's tough.

Just hanging around like a little monkey.

They went over for ice cream then back to the park.

I was going to meet them at the park for lunch but while I was driving home, mom called.
She was upset, I could tell but she really couldn't get anything out more than that.
I asked her if she needed an ambulance and she said yes so I just called one and headed straight home.
I was so scared because I didn't know what I was going to find when I got there.

Thankfully, she was alert and sitting on the couch but she couldn't really speak and she said she felt like her throat was closing up.
I think she was really frightened because she thought she was having another stroke.

The ambulance got there right after I did and they checked all her vitals and everything was fine.
They took her up to the hospital though and I followed them up there.

They did blood work, took her vitals and took xrays then we basically hung out there waiting for all the results.
She was starting to feel better and was able to swallow again so everything got back to normal which was good.
The results finally came back and all was good so they let us go home but they want the Glenrose to follow up with us and possibly get her in for a CT Scan just to rule out a silent stroke.

So scary but everything turned out ok.
You just never know how fast things can change.

When we got home, Mr H was still there playing.
Baby F just loves him so much, she just latches right on to him.

She wasn't so happy when he left, ha ha.

Mom was feeling much better so we decided to head into the city like we'd been planning to (I had booked tomorrow off ).
We just got my brother R to come over and spend the night with mom just in case.

We've talked about staying at the Marriot downtown for awhile now with the views of the river and we finally booked it tonight.

The room was huge.

It was dark when we checked in but we still had a pretty great view the city.

I can't wait to see what it looks like in the morning.

It was 8:30 when we checked in and we just stayed in the room and watched Netflix.
We want to get up early and go for a walk by the river then I have a dresser I found on Kijiji that I'm picking up at 9:30 so we need to be out of the room and on our way by 9 am.

Saw this trestle table online today, so cute.
I want to try to make one.

This lady always has so many good classes - I wish they weren't so far away, I'd love to attend one.
Thee little houses are so cute, think I might just try to make one myself.

This memory popped up on my Facebook today.
This was a year ago, my niece, Miss M and I took a paint class together.
I never did hang up that painting but it was still fun to do.

This is Baby F from 2 years ago.
They did a family photo shoot and this picture was a sneak peek.
I think they all turned out so well.

I 100% agree.
Does anyone even eat candy corn?

Another tragedy struck back in PEI.
Three young guys went out in a dory and it ended up sinking.
One of the boys was able to make it back to shore but the other two are still missing.
They are only 17, I feel so bad for their families, how heart wrenching.
I pray they find them.

It seems there have been so many drownings this year, it's so sad.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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