Monday, 8 June 2020

Weigh In Woes (June 1, 2020)

It was weigh in day and I was really hoping to reach the 20 lbs down mark.
Boy was I ever surprised (and disappointed) to see a gain instead of a loss.
I ate within my points limit every day and barely used any of my weekly points at all.
I'm not sure if it was due to the pizza last night and that we ate late but whatever it was, I'm not going to let it derail me.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why.

At lunch, My Honey and I walked down to the mail and Miss H and her mom were at the park with Baby F and Miss Z.
So on the way back we stopped in to see them.

They wanted My Honey to climb up on the rock with them so of course they did.

I got on the treadmill twice today for around 20 minutes each time and jogged at a 3.3,

I feel like my endurance is improving.

Progress is being made!

Some pictures of Miss Z and Baby F at the park today posted by their mama's.

Baby F loves to be in the drivers seat.

Playing in the tunnel.

I guess it's a slide to, she was going the wrong way.

Back on the rock.

They are so close, just like sisters.
They even fight like sisters sometimes but they love each other too - I think it's just wonderful.

Daddy pushed her in the swing for a bit.

NCT dropped by just as I was logging off of work for the day and we went for our walk.
She's heading to the city tomorrow and said she'll likely stay in there for a couple days so no walks for the next couple days.

In the evening, my son dropped by with Baby F for a visit.

My Honey got out his Thanos glove and she was very enthralled by it.

It's bigger than she is.

She was being goofy.
She has a silly side to her, just like my son.

My Honey is doing WW with me and he's lost over 20 lbs now, you can really tell.

She thinks it's funny when he hides things in his shirt.

She didn't just want My Honey's baseball cap, she needed to have her Daddy's too.

She thought that was funny.

Want your cap back Daddy?

Something else to get into.


We picked these reading glasses up at the dollar store and popped the lens out for her and she just loves them.

Little genius.

After they went home, it was nice out so My Honey and I took advantage and went for a short bike ride.

Some Facebook memories popped up from 4 years ago of Mr H.
He was so itty bitty.

We had missed his birthday party so we were dropping off his gifts to him a bit late.
He was more interested in the tissue paper than he was in the gift.

Miss A has grown so much in the last 4 years.
She's like a little adult now.

She wanted to paint my nails (and hand) so I let her.
She's so artistic!
She still loves make up just as much today as she did then.

Checking out Nanny's phone.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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