Thursday, 18 June 2020

Just Working Away at my Goals! (June 17, 2020)

Rainy day out there today - boy do I ever miss nice weather.
Every where else in Canada seems to be complaining about the heat but not here, that's for sure.

Coffee Break.

We are following the social distancing rules with our new chair arrangement.

Miss H posted this great picture of her and Baby F - I love it!

I made myself a vegan baloney wrap for lunch and it was actually really good.
The brand is Yves and if I hadn't known it was vegan I never would have guessed.

When I got back from lunch, I had a package on my desk.
The clothes I had ordered from PatPat for Baby F on June 7 arrived already.
I was so surprised because the last order took over 2 months to get here.

I tried to take this picture so I could use it for my WW Connect daily reason why today

But as you can see, I couldn't fit my legs into the picture.
Oh well - I tried.

It was raining very lightly but I got my raincoat on and went for a walk to the road this afternoon anyway since I'd missed going this morning.

I haven't gotten on the treadmill for over a week so when I got home today, I headed down there first thing.
I did a 3 minute warm up then I jogged at 3.4 for 24 minutes straight.

I really want to keep working on my endurance because running a marathon is a goal of mine that I really want to accomplish so I have to keep at it.

I can do anything, right?

I don't really have the hang of this taking selfies in the mirror thing yet but my clothes are feeling loser so I wanted some comparison pictures just to see if there is a visible difference.

Of course I needed to take a side shot too.
I don't really see a big difference - I still look big but I feel great and I'm just getting started so I'm not letting that stop me.

My Honey was back to work today and we had lots of leftovers in the fridge so I just warmed them up and made a salad to go with and had it all ready for when he got home.

After we ate, we walked down to my son's to drop off the package of PatPat clothes for Baby F.
She really liked this little cow outfit although it was too big for her.
It's the only one I could get her to try on.

She's tall enough to reach things on the counter now, look out!

Back to her fun game, climbing over the couch and hiding between it and the door.

Looking for Goldbug with My Honey.

Selfie time.

New game.

It's great fun!

She's such a little climber.

She was trying to hide in the couch now, behind the cushions.

Uh oh - Where did Baby F go?

There she is!

Chillaxing a bit now.

Big smiles for the camera.

I'm killed it with the steps today - proud of myself.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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