Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Gator Disappointment (June 4, 2020)

The weekend is getting closer!

My breakfast this morning.
So colorful and full of goodness.

My WW Connect Daily Reason Why today.
I really hate my double chin and that my face looks so big and chunky.
So looking forward to it thinning out.

Now that I've been jogging at a 3.3 for longer sessions, I tend to only hop on the treadmill a couple times a day.
Once at lunch then again after work.
It's working out well.

I got good and sweaty which I love!
Makes me feel like I'm actually making progress.

We took the Gator outside when My Honey got home from work.

He got the top screwed on.
We were hoping they could bring Baby F over tonight so we could give it to her but my son had to work late and it looked like a big storm was brewing so we put it in the shed for the night.
Hopefully we can give it to her tomorrow night instead.

I cooked up some broccoli, haddock and fiddleheads for supper.
I just love fiddleheads and they are only available this time of year so I always make sure to have at least one feed of them.
I also made a strawberry spinach salad.
We have some grapefruit white balsamic vinegar that I drizzled on for dressing and it was so delicious.

Some memories popped up on Facebook that I thought I would share.

This was from 4 years ago when I'd lost some weight and was working out consistently.
It was a wild and crazy Saturday night for My Honey & I!
We went shopping at Walmart and got our blood pressures tested (just in the self serve machine they have).
I don't have a blood pressure problem but it has crept up since then and I would like to get my numbers back to these numbers.

Ha ha!

It really has been quite the year.

I saw this before but it still makes me giggle.
Seriously though, good for them that they have been able to avoid anyone contracting it.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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