Monday 1 August 2016

Heading for Home

It's always kind of sad when a vacation comes to an end even if it is a mini one, but at the same time, I look forward to getting home and back to schedule too.

Today we will be heading home but first we went for a swim in the pool at the hotel.  Might as well use it when we can.

I took some pictures before heading to the pool.  These will be my "before" pictures. 

Can't believe that I am even posting these.  Not too long ago I would never have put these out there for anyone to see.  I would have been so ashamed and I am still a little but I am working on that.  My body is still able to do so many wonderful things and I am thankful.  I have a goal that I want to accomplish as far as weight loss and health goes but in the meantime, I am working on loving myself and my body just the way I am.

We had a quick breakfast at Sunset Grill before the start of our shopping expedition.
My Honey's bagel and salmon was amazing.  Every time he gets it, I try it and say I am going to get it next time.  Then I always end up forgetting and going for the pancakes.  Next time though!!!!

Saw this at Homesense and loved it.  Would have gotten it too but the line up was too long so I figured I could just make one for myself.  I do love having a project.  I picked up the supplies to make a fairy lantern for my niece which I will be doing this week and I am excited.  Pictures to follow when I have it completed.

After shopping I noticed a frozen yogurt place so of course we had to go indulge.

We stopped for supper on the way home and we had the escargot appetizer.  They were in mushroom caps and topped with cheese (a bit too much cheese if you ask me) but we enjoyed them and it was kind of the last hoorah before getting down to business tomorrow.

So I am committing to myself that starting tomorrow I am going to make a change in my eating habits and my physical activity.
Not sure if I will track calories or if I will start using Weight Watchers as I know what I need to do.  For this week I am going to just focus on more protein and fibre and no junk.
I am also going to work out for at least 20 minutes each day.  So those are the two things I will check back about next week:
1:  More protein & fibre, No Junk
2:  Work out 20 min+/day

I feel ready to get started!  I have my fitbit charging and I bought all kinds of fruit, veggies and healthy proteins.
Now it's off to bed for me.  Glad this is only a three day work week for me, before I know it, it will be the weekend again!

Until next time, be happy.

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