Sunday 14 August 2016

Friday Funday!

We stayed up a little later than usual last night checking out the Perseid Meteor Shower.  We gathered up some cozy blankets, dusted off our zero gravity chairs and headed out into the great outdoors (otherwise known as our backyard).

We had front row seats to the show.  It has become kind of a thing that we do each year.  Our first year together My Honey took me out to the field and we watched the show from the back of his pick up truck.  He brought blankets & pillows and it was so sweet of him, even kind of romantic.   We saw quite a few last night before calling it a night.  I am sure we will be checking it out again next year.

 And he is the finished blueberry pie.  He was quite happy with it and I am sure it was delicious.  I, of course, opted to not have any seeing as I have quite an aversion to blueberries.

A couple in town is getting married tomorrow and I went over to help my mom prepare a "bridal suite" for them.  I made this sign for them on our chalkboard,  I was happy with how it turned out.

 Between my mom & I and a few of the ladies she works with, we gathered together some stuff to make the room a bit more homey and romantic.  We live in a small town so you can't exactly rent a penthouse suite here but I think this is even nicer because you know some thought and effort went into it.

 We made sure to bring lots of candle holders and scentsy burners so it will be even more romantic when the arrive.
 Even added a cute little seating area!  I think they are going to appreciate it.
 I wanted to leave to the city by noon today but I didn't even get down to do a work out until after noon and I knew I still had some things to do before leaving town so it truly was a 20 minute workout today.  I jogged for the whole 20 minutes so I was happy with that.

I stopped by the community center in town where the wedding will be held tomorrow to see how they were faring out with getting ready.  I was so impressed with everything that I had to take a ton of pictures.  I have seen quite a few weddings here and they have all looked very nice but the theme on this one was closest to my taste and therefore my favorite.  I love the rustic, country theme and they did a great job.  This was the sign as you entered the hall, cute.

 The beverage bar.

 Instead of a guest book, they had a photographer on hand to take a picture of the guest as they arrived and the bride is going to put all the photos into a "picture guest book".  I thought that was a great idea, there are always so many pictures of the wedding party and sometimes the guests are overlooked but this way they will have photos of everyone who was there to share in their special day.
 Another cute idea!
 They had this set up on the "stage", kind of like the front of a barn for them to be married in front of.  So much better than just seeing a white wall behind them.

 The table settings were cute too!  They had little sticks with bells on them for the guest to ring if they wanted the bride & groom to kiss.  They had little instructions on them as well because if you wanted the bride & groom to kiss, you had to do what the little note instructed.  Great idea for guest participation!

 The head table also looked great, the only thing I would have added is a little top hat to the corner of the "Mr" frame.

 The dessert table also looked awesome,  I love the rustic dessert platter.

 They even set up real church pews which was an amazing touch and just brought the whole thing together.  We are going to miss the wedding as we will be in the city but I think the place looked absolutely beautiful and I hope they have a wonderful day tomorrow.

We dropped off the rest of the blueberry pie to the decorating crew and then headed for the city.

 It was quite late in the afternoon when we finally did leave town and we realized that we hadn't really eaten so we stopped at a neighboring town to try out a little place there.  I'd heard good things about it but had never actually tried it so we figured today was as good a day as any to give it a try.

I loved the look of it as soon as I saw it. 

 The detail on this book shelf was beautiful.

 And this sign.......LOVE IT!  Definitely words to live by.

 This one had a good message too, and so true!

 It was a gorgeous day out so we sat outside to eat.  What a nice space.

Nothing like ice cream in the summertime!  These little girls were sure enjoying theirs.

 I tried the chicken salad sandwich (it came with carrots and dip).

 and the spinach salad.  I also tried an iced coffee but forgot to take a picture, it was good.

 We decided to take in the horse races when we got to Edmonton.  They are planning on shutting down the horse races after this year so we wanted to take it in one more time before that happens.  It was a beautiful day for it. 

 Lots of folks agreed with us.
I also tried a new slot machine while there, it was a Britney Spears game.  I liked it because it was new and flashy and I kept hitting the bonus.  My 20 bucks lasted for quite some time and I ended up walking away with an extra 40 on top of that 20 so not bad.

 We went and saw a movie after the races.  It was a late show, 10:45pm, so we thought we had plenty of time to get there from the horse races, but with my "shortcut" and being rerouted because of an accident, we made it there just in time.

 I had to have a frozen yogurt and I'm glad I did because it was delicious!  I had a small popcorn too.

 It was after 2am when we finally made it back to our hotel room, we're like a couple of crazy kids this weekend, staying up until all hours of the night.!

Fitbit stats - so I did pretty good today I think.  I missed out on the 250+ steps per hour as I slept in pretty late this morning.  It was worth it though.  My Honey works every 2nd weekend so the ones we get to sleep in together on I really look forward to and enjoy every moment of.

Food today
Breakfast - chili
Lunch - chicken salad sandwich, spinach salad
Supper - small popcorn, frozen yogurt (at movies)

Not the healthiest of eating today but sometimes that happens.

Until next time, be happy!

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