Friday 1 May 2020

Caught in the Act! (Apr.28, 2020)

Following the Weight Watchers plan is going good so far.
I'm feeling positive - I can do this.
My breakfast plate.
I had onion and crab scrambled eggs with some salsa on the side, an orange and a couple of kiwi.

Work was busy with meetings today but I did manage to go down here and there throughout the day and got almost and hour and 20 minutes in on the treadmill.

Yay me.
(My hair is looking pretty rough, this is the hair-do I've been rocking ever since I started working from home).

Caught red handed pawed, checking out the herb garden.

Trying to act all innocent.

It's hard enough already to keep these guys off the counter, it's going to be even worse now.
They loooove plants.
At least they haven't nibbled on any of the herbs yet.
Miss NCT called to chat this evening for a bit.
She's getting tired of social distancing (as we all are) and she's bored.
She's not working right now either so she finds the days really long and she's running out of things to do.
Thankfully I'm still able to work so I'm not completely and utterly bored but I do miss social interaction.
It won't be forever so we can make it through.
My Honey starts days off tomorrow and I'm looking forward to having some company in the house during the day, someone to chat to.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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