Saturday 23 May 2020

Memories from May Long Weekends Past (May 21, 2020)

Boy, I had Monday off this week so I'm only starting Day 3 but it feels like such a long week already.
I kept thinking it was Friday but nope!
Funny how some weeks are like that.

My breakfast plate this morning.
I've been getting loads of Vitamin C lately!

Today is this cute couple's fourth anniversary!

My foot wasn't hurting today but I didn't want to push it so I did some jogging but only at a 3.1, nothing at 4.0.
I did 3 sessions on the treadmill about 20 minutes each.
Next week I'll jump it up to 3.2 and see how that goes.

I'm making progress and it feels great!

Believe it or not, it started snowing this afternoon.
I'm thinking it won't stick around long so I guess I can live with it.

It meant no bike ride when My Honey got home though.
Instead we had some popcorn and watched some tv.

Kind of a quiet day but a good one.

Some memories popped up on Facebook that really made me miss our travels.
These were from our trip to San Francisco 5 years ago.

We decided to go on a tour of Alcatraz.
Of course it's on an island in the middle of the Bay so we had to take a boat over.

There it is.
You could do either day tours or night tours and we opted for the day one.


My Honey.

There was a big giant communal shower area.
No being shy in this place.

This is the outdoor space for the prisoners to get some fresh air.

This made me miss my gorgeous pink purse!

My Honey - on the inside.

Not the best digs.

A prisoner dug this hole in the wall to try to escape.
Little by little each night with a spoon I think.

The guards and their families lived right on the island too.
The homes they lived in have fallen into disrepair unfortunately.
The decrepit buildings look beautiful against the blue sky though.

These following photos are from a trip to Vancouver then Seattle 4 years ago.

We went to Vancouver for a couple of days then we took a one night cruise from Vancouver to Seattle.

The sun sparkling on the water looks gorgeous - not as gorgeous as My Honey though.

The moon sparkling on the water looks so pretty too.

When we got to Seattle, we spent a couple of days wandering around the city.
I loved this sign we came across.

Cool light fixture near Pike Place Market.

The famous fish throwing mart at Pike Place.

Seattle Selfie!

We checked out the Seattle Aquarium.

We got to touch the sea cucumbers and sea urchins.

It was cool but also kind of gross.

We watched the Otters for a while, they are so entertaining.
So adorable.

We went out for dinner at a seafood place and had the trio of chowders.
They were so delicious.

We took the city tour.
We always try to do that when we go a new city.
You get to see and learn a lot.

We came across a gum wall near Pike Place,

My Honey chewing up a piece of gum to add to the weirdest tourist attraction I've ever seen.

Adding to the artwork.

There it is, his masterpiece.

We checked out the Space Needle.

We also checked out the Museum of Pop Culture.
Sexiest Hello Kitty I've ever seen.

Guitar tower.

Game intended for toddlers - seems highly inappropriate to me.

My drummer boy.


There were some celebrities there the day we were there.
We could have payed money and stood in line for a super long time to meet Data.
Instead, I took a picture from afar of him with these two super fans whose costumes were super awesome.

NCT texted me today to tell me that Homesense opened back up today!
This was my response.
People were lined up waiting to go in and shop.
I can't wait to go back again myself.
Might be awhile though.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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