Thursday 28 May 2020

When A Good Thing Comes To An End (May 26, 2020)

Since I've joined WW again, I decided that each day I would post on WW Connect a reason why I wanted to lose weight.

Today's reason was so that I could get my ring off.
I can't get it over my knuckle and haven't been able to for a couple years now.
If I got some soap and really lathered it on and worked at it, I might be able to but I want it to be able to just come off easily.
Not that I want to stop wearing it or anything, it just needs a really good cleaning is all plus I'll know I've lost weight when I am able to slide it off without a struggle.

This mornings breakfast.
My Honey cooked some salmon last night so I had a piece of that with my omelet and my regular side dishes - cucumber and orange.

I only did 2 stints on the treadmill, around 20 minutes each.

I am jogging at a 3.2 this week and so far, so good.

Miss H posted a new picture of herself today - she is such a beauty - both inside and out.

This memory popped up of Mr H when he got the Super Grover from my sister.
I love that big smile of his - this picture is one of my very favorite's of him.
I had it blown up and put it in a frame and it's hanging on my wall in my picture gallery.

NCT came over after work and we went for a walk.
It's nice to get out and get some extra steps but I think having a chance to chat and catch up with a friend is what I enjoy even more!

I was waiting for My Honey to get home to have supper but he texted to say that he was going to be late so I made myself a quesadilla with leftover salsa chicken.
I even picked up so super low fat sour cream to have with it because who wants a quesadilla with no sour cream?

I spent the evening watching Parenthood.
I only have a few episode left to watch 😢

Luckily - I saw that they have a new series streaming that I'm excited about watching so I have that to look forward to!
Steel Magnolias.
I loved the movie and I have no doubt that I'm going to love the series too.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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