Wednesday 27 May 2020

Potty Training Begins (May 24, 2020)

I slept in this morning quite late after my late night of binge watching Parenthood.

When I finally got out of bed, I saw that My Honey had been texting me.
While I was sleeping, he was having a very busy morning.
He got rice and chicken on the bbq.

Then he made an ice cream cake.
It had an oreo crumb bottom.

He put a layer of caramel next.

Then slightly softened ice cream.

Then another layer of caramel and some chocolate sauce.

Then finally some crushed oreos up on top.
It looks so yummy.
Glad I'm not our there because it looks hard to resist.

He sent me a picture of the adobe chicken when it was done.
It looks so good.

I made myself an omelet for lunch (I got up way too late for breakfast).

Then I laced up my shoes and hit the pavement again.
It's so nice to see the buds coming out on the trees.

I'm not as fast as I once was but I can feel improvements so that's encouraging.

About 45 minutes in, I could see some foreboding rain clouds off in the distance.

At first I was nervous that I wouldn't get home before the rain hit but then I realized that the worst thing that would happen is that I would get wet and who cares?
I won't melt so it's all good.
The wind picked up too and my hair was all over the place.
I did end up making it home before the rain hit.

I had to go down to the office to print a few things off and pick up a parcel and on the way back this oldie played.
I used to LOVE this song - I didn't even remember it existed until I heard it today.

I made a low cal dressing for some coleslaw mix that I had and warmed up left over salsa chicken for supper.
Yum yum and point friendly too.

When My Honey got home, we hopped on our bikes and went for a ride.

We stopped in to see Baby F and the first thing she did was hide.

Sometimes she runs right for us and other times she plays shy.

You can't see me!

She wasn't really shy today though, just playing.

Wasn't long before she was coming over and wanting to play with us.

I had my phone out to video her and she took it.
So seeing as she was the cameraman, you can't see much in this video but her little voice saying "AMA" pulls my heart strings every time.

She thought it was great that I held her up in the fridge so she could have a look at what was in there.

She found the yogurts.

And she wanted one.

I gave it to her at her little table along with some strawberries.

She went right to town.
She ate up that whole container.

Except for one spoonful that she dropped on herself.
Normally a couple bites in she stops eating and starts just messing around in it but not today boy.
She must have been hungry.

Then she got the blocks out so she & My Honey could play.
She literally dumped them all out on the floor.

The dumping was more fun than playing I think.

She picked some of them up and put them back in the bag just so she could dump them again, ha ha!

Then she got the bright idea to put the bag on her head and run around.

What a goofy kid she is.
Luckily the bag had a clear section in it and her dad turned it around so she could at least see where she was going.

She's going to hate me for this when she's older, she didn't even really want me to take her picture now hence the head turn.
But I love to document everything and maybe part of her will be grateful down the road too.
Anyway - long story short - they have begun trying to potty train her.

I snapped a couple pictures just for memory sake then left her to do her business.
It was getting kind of late anyway so we hopped on our bikes and headed back home.

We live in a very hilly town and there's on hill on the way home that I struggle with on the bike every time.
While it was still a struggle, it wasn't as much of a struggle as it has been so I feel like I'm making progress!

Glowing cheeks after our bike ride.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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