Monday 18 May 2020

First Time Out of Town in Over Two Months! (May 15, 2020)

I could hardly contain my excitement this morning!

Now that phase 2 of Covid reopening came into effect yesterday, we decided to finally take a trip out of town to go to WCT to get some groceries.

Our first trip out of town in over 2 months and we were both happy to head out on a 'road trip'.

Mom wants a swing for the backyard so we had a look at a couple.

A little more than we wanted to spend.
The swing might have to wait until we take a trip to the city, maybe in a couple weeks time depending on how the re-opening goes.

We made stops at Walmart, Canadian Tire and the Dollar Store.
I wanted some white acrylic paint but it seems to be sold out all over.
We went into IGA too so I could look for Pillars Teriyaki Chicken bites but they didn't have any.
We did pick up a few other things though including a snack for the drive home.

Watermelon, pineapple and turkey bites.
Low in points and delicious!

I was looking at Facebook and the drive home and saw that My Honey's niece got engaged today.
How exciting!
They posted this sweet picture.
We are very happy for them.

When we got back to the house, My Honey got right to work on the seating area.
He had to make a lattice for one of the fence sections.
He let me try out the nail gun, it was kind of fun.

These light up moose have been in our shed since we moved in.
They were left behind by the previous owners.
Going to ask the local Communities in Bloom if they want them.

I made myself an omelette on a wrap for supper.
I had salsa on it and a veggie hot dog on the side.
Pretty darn good!

I had told the kids they could sleep over so my brother dropped them off after supper and of course the first thing they wanted to do was play video games.
Mainly what they do when they are playing is fight with one another but they seem to enjoy it.
They fight then they get along then they fight then they get along.
Normal sibling stuff!

I did manage to get him to turn away from the game and look at me long enough to snap a picture.

We had picked up marshmallows to do smores with them but they'd had some at their place before they came over so we'll just save them for another time.

We  were thinking of doing a fire too but it was a bit on the chilly side.

We did go out and light up sparklers though.

The kids love them.

Such a simple thing but so enjoyable.

See the big smile?

I quite like them myself.

Trying to see if he could 'touch' things with the fire.

After the sparklers, we went in and found a movie to watch.

Onward was the movie they selected.
We'd all seen it before but it was a really good movie and we all wanted to watch it again.
I think we all enjoyed it just as much the second time around.

After the movie, it was time for bed.
Mr H was so tired, he was asking to go.

My sister shared some Facebook memories today.
Mr E going to register for school for the first time.

He had to get vision and hearing tests.

He's so serious.

They made a mommy and Mr. E day out of it.
He's grown up so much since then.
As always, I wish they were closer so we could see them more often.
I miss all of them, especially when I see these moments that I'm missing out on.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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