Wednesday 27 May 2020

Mr H Turns 5! (May 23, 2020)

My Honey is working this weekend so when I got up, I made myself a coffee and found myself a real 'girlie' movie to watch.

I found this one "Because I Said So".
It had some well know actresses in it so I thought it might be good.
It was cute, no Oscar winner or anything but fun and light.

I hadn't many steps in by the time lunch rolled around so I got my iPod and hit the road for a walk.

There are still a few tiny patches of snow here and there left over from our surprise snowfall but it's almost gone.

I walked for about an hour and got almost all my steps in.
I was sweaty and toasty warm when I got home.
I was red too so I know I got my heart rate up.

This little guy turns 5 today.
Holy Heck - where does the time go?

These memories popped up on Facebook that I just had to share.
He's always been so happy.

Aww - just look at those curls of his.

He's always liked making silly faces too, I mean, what kid doesn't.

Ice Cream pusss!

I had some buns that went moldy so I cut them up and threw them out for the birds.
I put them on the lawn right in front of our living room window in hopes that it would provide soem entertainment for the kitties but the birds didn't seem to notice it.

My brother and SIL had the family over for supper and cake to celebrate Mr H's birthday.
My brother stopped by and picked up mom and I walked over just so I could get the rest of my steps in

His best buddy Mr L was there.
My SIL babysits him so they are together everyday and they love hanging out together.

Since Mr L was there, his sister came to and Miss A was thrilled to have a friend to play with .
The social distancing thing is really getting to her and she is really missing her friends.


My niece and her honey came over.
I wanted to get a nice picture of them together where they wee both looking and I think I succeeded.

The kids had a riveting game of Jenga.

Then it was time to open gifts and his dad only had to tell him once and he was on it!

Mr L was his right hand man and helped him out.

His sissy A got him a Paw Patrol book.

It was hard to get him to slow down so we could look at the cards to see who everything was from.
He did though and he was very excited about everything he got.

We had bbq for supper.
I skipped the hamburgers but couldn't resist the twice baked potatoes that Miss M had made.
I figured that it was worth about 8 points but it was worth it.

Mom and my brother R.

Happy birthday little man!

He had a cupcake tree which he thought was pretty cool.

Some of them had M&M's in them and they had a different color icing so the kids were looking for those ones.

My brother A and today's bbq chef 

I think everyone had a couple cupcakes.
I however did not indulge and I was ok with that.

Cupcakes are yummy.

The birthday boy!
How is he 5 already?

Telling his big sister he want to go to her house.

He got the most adorable little boxers.

Lego time.

Everyone left by 7 but I stayed so My Honey could drop by and say hi after work.
We stayed and visited for a while after he got there.
We got him a Minecraft game for the PS3 (along with an outfit) so we stayed until they got it up and running so we could watch him play it for a bit.
He was happy about that.

I stayed up super late watching Parenthood tonight.
I'm nearing the end and I'm going to miss the Braverman's when it's all over.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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