Monday 25 May 2020

Happy Birthday to My Honey (May 22, 2020)

I had a really hard time falling to sleep last night.
I tossed and turned so much that I finally got up to read for a while thinking that would help.
I ended up reading until almost 2:30 in the morning, finished the third Harry Potter book.
I was able to fall asleep after that but getting up this morning was rough.

I figured the snow we had last night wouldn't last long.

I was wrong, I woke up to a snow covered world.
Kind of depressing.

My bright, colorful breakfast plate was much cheerier looking that the outdoors.

It continued to snow throughout the morning.

You can see that we were getting quite an accumulation on the handrail.

I found a WW friendly cake recipe and got that in the over this morning.
Today is My Honey's birthday.
He gets home around 7:30 so I had invited everyone over for cake and they were coming around 7.

I only managed to hop on the treadmill a couple times today.
I did jog at a 3.1 and did about 15 minutes (plus warm up and cool down) each time.

I got the rest of my steps in today running around doing stuff.
Everyone was coming around 7 so I only had a couple hours after work to make icing and ice the cake and clean.

Everyone arrived right on time.

I ended up ordering some pizza for everyone.
I also made salsa chicken for My Honey and I since pizza is way too many points.
(Miss H was working this weekend so she and Baby F were in Barrhead and couldn't make it.)

I always take pictures of everyone when they are eating.
Need to work on my timing.

My brother R.

Miss A enjoying a piece of cake.

The recipe was basically just a regular box cake mix and instead of adding the egg and oil, you subbed in a can of diet pop.
Then the icing was sugar free vanilla pudding mixed with Low Fat Cool Whip.
The icing was nice and light - really good.
It made 24 (very small) servings that were 5 points each.

Got a picture of my boy and I before he headed home.
I sent all the leftovers with him.

Mr H wanted to get in the picture with us.

The birthday boy scratching some of the tickets he got for his birthday.

Mr H's birthday is tomorrow and my brother called to see if I had any decorations.
They'd picked some up but couldn't find them.
So I unearthed all of this stuff and he came back over and picked it up.

We only ate after everyone else left.
Our salsa chicken that I'd made.
I also cooked up peppers and onions and we made wraps.
They were very good.

My sister was really hoping for a posting and she did get it.
So she's been working really hard getting her house ready to go on the market.

The realtor took pictures and posted them yesterday and even thought it wasn't even 'officially' on the market yet, she got an offer today which she accepted.
I'm thrilled for her!

I got started on Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this evening.
Book number four in the series.

He turned 46 today but he's still a little boy who loves his toys.😉

Got his Thanos glove out to give the kitties some loving.

More memories popped up from our San Francisco trip 5 years ago.

My Honey and that's the Golden Gate Bridge there in the background.

Moi and the Golden Gate bridge.
I've always liked this picture of myself.

We are being silly here but we'd just finished walking over the Golden Gate bridge and we were proud of ourselves.
We logged a lot of steps on that trip.
I had the most steps on a day thus far, I think it was 36,000 and that included lots of hills so I was feeling super good about myself.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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