Wednesday 13 May 2020

Weigh In Day - Spoiler Alert - I'm Down! (May 11, 2020)

Back to work this morning and.... weigh in day.

I was down.
Feeling so good - going in the right direction.

This is my brunch plate.
Cucumber, sweet pepper, an orange and an egg wrap.
The egg wrap was an idea we got from a new cooking show we found.

Nadiya's Time To Eat.
She cooked eggs like an omelette then when they weren't all the way cooked, put a wrap right on top of them in the pan.
She then flipped it so the egg and wrap were attached and crisped up the wrap.
Then you roll it up and it is so darn delicious.
I foresee lots of these being made in our future.

She has lots of good ideas so far and we've only watched one episode.
Can't wait to watch more.

I was feeling really good on the treadmill.
Felt like I wanted to move faster so I started jogging, just at a 3 but I was able to jog for 10 minutes at a time.
I'll work on my endurance then I'll up my speed but for now, I was so proud of myself.
It's been a long time since I wanted to jog.
I prefer to listen to music when I jog so I missed the Braverman clan a little today but I can catch up with them anytime.

Feeling so good - a marathon is in my future!

I went down to the office for a bit this evening to print off some stuff and grab some more work.

I had a parcel waiting for me, a new scale.
So far, I really like it.
The display is really big and easy to read, plus it stays for longer than a moment.

My other one that I've had for probably 15 years did the job for all those years and did last a very long time but it was time for an upgrade.
If you don't look at it quickly, the display turns off so it can be kind of annoying.

I roasted up some cauliflower for supper and had it along with some cod fish and instant mashed potatoes.
The potatoes are hard on the points but I had lots to use up and they were so delicious that they were worth every point.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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