Sunday 17 May 2020

A Visit with Baby F and The Kiddos (May 13, 2020)

My Honey was out working in the yard this morning so I had to make my own breakfast.

I had an egg wrap, an orange and some cucumbers, yum yum!

I got an hour in on the treadmill today - I jogged at a 3.0 each time,
When I jog, I prefer to listen to music so I've been watching videos on YouTube.
I figured out how to make a playlist on there.
My internet is so slow so it makes it kind of frustrating so I think I'm going to have to break down and get my internet upgraded.
I'm missing the Braverman's but I'll catch up with them at another time.

Feeling good to be jogging again.

NCT stopped over at 4:30 and we we went for a walk.
She wants to start going daily and I said I'd go with her.
We only went for about 10 minutes but it's a start.

After we got out our bikes and went for a ride.
My Honey picked up a new baby for Baby F so we took it over to her.

Giving the baby her sookie.

She loved it.

Miss Z was there and she wanted to try out the new baby so she found an old baby to give to Baby F and took the new baby.
At least she didn't just take it.

We visited outdoors for a bit.
When Miss Z's dad came to pick her up, Baby F was so upset that she couldn't go with Papa too.

She didn't stay upset very long thankfully.

It was nice enough to get her water table out for her to play with.
She loves it and she thought getting My Honey wet was great fun.

She kept pointing to the bottom of the yard which was her way of telling My Honey to go down there and play with her.

She wanted on the swing with him.

She was saying 'Ama' and pointing to the seat beside her which meant she wanted me to go down and get on the swing too.
So of course I did.

Then it was back to the water table.

She was trying to drink the water out of it, ha ha.

Hugs for My Honey when we were leaving.

Bye Bye!

My Honey grilled some chicken breasts on the bbq for supper.
We had coleslaw and brussel sprouts to go along with it, so good.

When I saw the kids the other day, I told them they could come over for a visit today and they didn't forget.
My brother dropped them off and he and Miss M went to WCT to get groceries.

Mr H was so happy to finally get over and play some 'Tar Wars'.

He was more interested in the game then taking a selfie with me.

We got them outside for a bit - started a fire.

The Fire Master.

We just got the fire going when their dad showed up to pick them up.
We promised them they could sleep over on Friday night though and we'd have another fire and roast marshmallows.

It was nice to have them over, I'd missed them.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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