Sunday 3 May 2020

Kitty Sleeping Habits (May 1, 2020)

I was doing some laundry today and I opened my sock drawer so I could through them in as I folded them but someone had another idea.

He pushed a bunch of the socks out onto the floor and made himself comfy, he was nestled right in there.

Ha ha - He's so cute, I just left him along.
I can put the socks away later.

A couple hours later My Honey went in the room for something and Paddington was still in there.
Cats are so funny, we've bought them beds and My Honey has built them beds but they want nothing to do with those.
Give them an empty cardboard box though or a sock drawer and they are in Heaven.

I had breakfast closer to lunch time.
My Honey made it for me, mushroom egg scranble, pineapple and an orange.

See what I mean?
My Honey discovered Professor Snuggles in his office curled right up here.

When I finished work for the day, I had a sudden urge to change my living room around and I got right to it.
I feel like I need a change every now and then plus it's a great chance to do some thorough cleaning behind and underneath furniture.

There aren't too many options on how we can put the living room just because of the size of it and the layout of things that can't be moved (like the fireplace).
I moved the tv to the other side of the room and the phone cord was about 2 feet too short.
The hardware store closes at 4 pm now so I couldn't go there for one.

So I resorted to family.
My brother thought he had one but when I went over to pick it up, turns out it wasn't the right cord.
My son just recently threw some out so he had none.
My niece had one so I went to pick it up and it turned out to be exactly the same length as the one I had.
So I had to just leave the modem out on the floor to get everything hooked up, I'll go get a cord at the store tomorrow.

Meet Frank the Sphinx, my niece's new cat.
I got to meet him today when I popped by her place for the phone cord.
He's a very cuddly little guy.
Luckily he and her other cat, Dakota, seem to be getting along well so far.

Over the course of the day today, I completed almost an hour of walking on the treadmill.

I was feeling some frustrations over the living room move.
There aren't too many options on how we can put the living room just because of the size of it and the layout of things that can't be moved (like the fireplace).
This is what I settled on because I just wanted to get it done.
I thought I wasn't happy with it but it grew on me and so by the end of the evening, I was feeling happier with it.

When we finally sat down to relax this evening, we decided to watch a movie.
We watched the fourth movie in the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.
They are really long movies.
I didn't think I'd be able to stay awake for it but I did.

Yesterday I finished off another month of 10,000 steps per day.
Now I'm starting a new one and I know I'll do it again.
Now I can never have any excuse for not getting at least 10,000 steps in per day, it's very doable.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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