Wednesday 20 May 2020

Backyard Project Success! (May 17, 2020)

When we got up this morning, we decided that we would get our backyard project finished up and have the family over for a bbq.
The weather forecast for tomorrow isn't so great so it's on for today.

So we got busy right away, My Honey had a few things he had finish on the building side and I got back to painting.

We had an omelette sandwich for breakfast and an orange then kept going.

Once we got the painting all done, we cleaned up and got things set up.

We made the bench long enough so that we could have a seating area around the fire pit and a table where people could sit and eat.

We got My Honey's cooking area set up too because lets be real, he's the one who does all the outdoor cooking.
We are going to make a table to go there to, a tall one just for him to use while he's cooking.
Then we got the lights put up - finally.
I've had them for about 5 years just waiting for a chance to use them.

Then My Honey got to work cooking and I worked on making something sweet.

Everyone arrived around 6 pm,

Sharing her blueberries with Nanny.

I'm happy with how it all turned out.
I picked up these cushions and even though they aren't exactly what I wanted, they'll do for now.
When I have a chance to get out shopping again, I'll look for some thicker, blue ones which is what I really want.

For supper My Honey cooked chicken breast, shrimp, corn on the cob and hot dogs.
Baby F wanted a little bit of everything.

Miss M and her honey were both able to make it which was nice.

My brother R made it as well.
My other brother and his family weren't able to make it today so we were missing them.

Baby F was sampling everyone's food.

She moved things around really more than she ate anything.

I made cheesecake lemon tarts from a recipe that I found on Weight Watchers.
They were only 1 point each and they were pretty darn good if you ask me.

Mother Nature had great timing and held the rain off until just after we finished eating.
So everyone helped to bring the stuff inside.
My niece and her honey had to take off but everyone else stayed to visit for a bit.

She just loves Baby Shark and she was so thrilled that everyone was singing and dancing and doing the motions along with her.

She even knows how Alexa works.
I love her little voice saying 'exa, baby'.

After several renditions of Baby Shark, we changed it up and listened to some 'Head & Shoulders, Knees & Toes'.
She has the 'toe' part down, and the mouth part!

After everyone left, the rain died off so My Honey and I went and sat out in our new seating area so we could enjoy the fruits of our labour.
I was saying that we likely won't often have a chance to enjoy our lights because it stays light out so late here in the summer that we'll be in bed for the most part before dark.

I was saying that we likely won't often have a chance to enjoy our lights because it stays light out so late here in the summer that we'll be in bed for the most part before dark.
It was nice just to sit by the fire and relax and we stayed there until it got too cold.

It looks so beautiful.

Now I just need to pretty it up a bit with some flowers.
We already have a couple of plant hangers up so just need to make it to a garden center now.

When we went in, we had some bananas, strawberries and ultra low fat cool whip.
Very low point snack.

Weight Watchers is still going good.
We are both tracking every thing we eat, every day and I think we are both feeling great and like we are being successful.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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