Tuesday 12 May 2020

Saturdays, Sigh! (May 9, 2020)

The weekend is here!
My Honey is working this weekend.
I didn't even here him leave for work this morning, I slept in pretty good.

My breakfast plate, yum, yum!

My Honey saw this guy at work this morning, he even stood nice and still for a picture.

Thought I'd start a couple of signs.

It was really nice out, so I decided to go for a walk and take advantage of it.
I went for a nice long walk too and stopped down at the store to pick up a few things.
I got a pack of blackberries for Baby F so I stopped by there to drop the off to her.

She was happy to see me, she's saying 'Ama' all the time now.

She wanted me to put her up on the counter so I did and she really just wanted to get into stuff.
Like her mom's sunglasses.

She's so goofy.

"Is that Baby Shark I hear?"

She's learning how to do the actions in the song - she's got the run away part down!

My bags were a bit heavy so I decided to leave them there, walk home, then drive back home and pick them up later.
I didn't get very far though when NCT pulled up.
She asked if I wanted a ride and even though I didn't really need one, I took it anyway just so I could catch up with her a bit.
It's been ages since I've seen my friends so it was nice to see her and have a little chat.

I finished up these two signs when I got home.

They aren't my favorites of all the ones I've made but they are ok.

There is a new trend happening on Facebook called Ninja-ing.
You just post your address on the page then someone else can go 'Ninja' you.
Basically they drop a bag of treats off at your door step.
They have a page created just for kiddos and Miss H put their address on there.
While I was at home, Baby F got 'ninja'd'.
She was excited about all of her loot.

What a great idea!

When I went back to my son's later to pick up my groceries, they were in the backyard playing croquet.
I took Baby F in to try to change her pants because they were wet but she wouldn't have it.
Miss H had picked up ice creams for she & Baby F so she had that instead.

It is finger lickin' good!

Seriously, who doesn't like ice cream?

She was having a good old time just making a mess.

Then cleaning up was just as fun.

Funny how when you give little ones a wet cloth the first thing they want to do is shove it in their mouth and suck all the moisture out.

It was clean so I just let her.

My niece dropped by this afternoon to drop off a Mother's Day gift for mom and I.
She made us each one of these string art jars with flowers in them.
She is becoming so crafty these days.
I love it and it's the blue that I like so it fit right in with my decor.

I saw these on Facebook and I totally want to try making them.
Baby F loves Sesame Street right now so I think she would be a fan.
Next time I get to a store I think I'll get the pots to make them.
I sent them to my niece and Miss H to see if they wanted to try making them together.

My niece suggested doing Christmas versions and lo and behold in the comments of the above picture, someone had posted this.
I thought we could maybe try making a snowman, an elf and maybe even a grinch too.

I roasted some broccoli in the oven, put together a salad and seasoned up some pork chops that My Honey cooked up on the bbq when he got home.
He grilled them perfectly and it was a delicious supper.

Paddy-Bear (this cat has so many nicknames), cuddled right into me for a good nap after supper.

Then he took up his perch at the window.

I love how he's sitting there with his paws resting on the window sil.

Lord of the Manor right there!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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