Sunday 3 May 2020

Re-purposing Scraps is Addictive (Apr.30, 2020)

This morning's breakfast platter.
So good.

I went down to hop on the treadmill and found Snuggles down getting some cuddles in from his Nanny.

Over the course of the day, I got steps in every hour then after I finished work, I stayed on for a good long time until I got my 10,000 steps in.
I got almost an hour and a half logged.

Go me!

My Honey sanded up some of the scrap stakes he brought home and made a crate.
I turned out so well that he went into a crate making frenzy.

They look awesome and made from wood that was destined for the burn pile.
It's nice to be able to repurpose stuff like that.

He stained a few of the ones that were made with the nicer wood.
I plan to paint some of the ones that he didn't stain and use them for displaying stuff at the craft show.

The herb garden is coming right along. 

Miss H and Baby F painted rocks today for their garden and they look great.

MIss H posted this darling picture of Baby F - so much sweetness right there.

This was an older one she posted that I'd never seen before.
She's growing up so fast.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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