Tuesday 19 May 2020

Backyard Project (May 16, 2020)

We slept in pretty late this morning considering that the kids were there.
I was the first one up and I thought I might have a little bit of quiet time but while I was making my coffee, I heard the pitter patter of little feet.

I went in the living room to see this smiling face.

Can you guess what he wanted to do?
Play video games of course.

I saw this on Facebook and thought it was really helpful information.
I never know how to pick out a watermelon so this is going to come in handy for sure.

I saw these cute little ballerina's and thought they would be a good craft project to do with the kiddos.

My Honey made chocolate chip and marshmallow waffles for breakfast and as hard as it was to pass on the waffles I did it.
They smelled fantastic so I was super proud of myself.
Instead I had an omelette and an orange.

Mouth full of waffle.

Miss A thought they were pretty darn good.

Just being silly.

After breakfast, My Honey went to the backyard to work on our big project.
Since it was nice out, the kids and I walked over to my son's so they could meet Ozzy.

Baby F was happy to see the kids.

It was a great day for a visit because we could visit outside and kind of maintain our distance a bit.
I had picked up an Elmo stuffie and a Baby Shark stuffie that actually plays a part of the song yesterday when we were in WCT so I took those over to give to her.
I also got her a new pair of shoes but they were a little bit too big still.

Mr H was running all over the yard getting some energy out.

Ozzy is interested in the new toy.

They heard a dog on the other side of the fence so they all had to go over there and check it out.

It turned out to be Miss A's good friend with her family walking their new dog.

That was pretty neat.
She hasn't really seen her since all this started so she was happy that she had a chance to say hi to her friend.

Daddy got her some new shoes because the ones I brought kept falling off.

Waving good-bye to the kids and I.

We walked back to the house.
The kids wanted ice cream but I had to go home first and get my purse then we drove down for ice creams then I dropped them off at home.

When I got back to the house, My Honey had got part of the seating area up.
He is making a lot of progress.

He had a bit of a break and we had some salad for brunch.

It cracks me up how this goofy cat lays on the couch.

Before he got back at the project, we decided to go down to the store and to stop by to see Baby F.
Mom came with us and picked up a box of ice cream sandwiches to take over for a treat for everyone.

I think everyone was happy to sit in the sun and enjoy the treat.

Miss H just chilling on the swing.

Mom had one too.

We had picked up a lawnmower for her that blows bubbles when you push it so we had to test it out.

She was more interested in her treat than in the bubbles.
Louie was looking for possible ice cream drips.

She was sure enjoying it.

Here Grandpa J, hold this.

She did get kind of sticky.

Time to play in the water and get cleaned up.

She just loves that little water table, it was a great find.

Looking serious!

She was just pouring water every where and she thought that was great.

Trying her hat on Ozzy.

A girl and her puppy.

Ozzy looks so cute here.

Baby F looks so cute here - who am I kidding? She's always cute.

Ha ha - my cutie!

He licked her and she 

Louie just lapping up the attention that he's getting.

When we got back to the house, My Honey got two more fence sections up.
My son came over to help because they were so heavy.

Then while he got to work making the seating for the benches, I got started painting.
We worked right until it got dark.
My Honey finished the seating then he helped me paint.
By the time we were done my little hand was cramped!

I got all the front done and most of the back so not too bad!

When we went in, we watched a couple episodes of the Nadiya cooking show before heading to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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