Monday 18 May 2020

A Super Long Weekend to Look Forward To! (May 14, 2020)

Happy Thursday!
I'm extra happy because after today, I have a four day weekend to look forward to!
We were planning to go to Iceland this weekend but due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, we will be staying home now,
I'm ok with that, maybe we can get some projects done that we never seem to have time for.

My Honey made me an egg wrap breakfast sandwich and delivered it to my desk.

I had quite a few meetings at work today and they were all long but it did make the day go by pretty fast.
Before you know it, the work day was over and the long weekend had begun.

I racked up just over an hour on the treadmill throughout the day today.

I am jogging pretty steadily at a 3.0, I think next week I'll bump it up to 3.1.

NCT and I went for another quick walk tonight.
Her son and family are coming for the weekend so we likely won't go for another walk now until Tuesday.

We made pizzas on wraps for supper.
We had some fresh basil up on top from our herb garden.
It smells divine!

My Honey was busy all day making these.
They are going to be benches and they are made entirely from scrap wood that My Honey has been salvaging and collecting.
We are going to make a seating area out of some fence sections that My Honey built years ago.
We were going to replace the entire fence around our backyard so he started building them but he got four done then the project kind of fizzled off.
We decided that we didn't really want to spend that much money for an area that we really don't use enough to make it worthwhile.

I'm excited that this idea for the seating area is finally coming to fruition!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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