Saturday 9 May 2020

Welcome to the Family Ozzy (May 3, 2020)

I love weekends!
Especially when My Honey is on days off.
We slept in a bit but it looked nice out so we didn't want to waste too much of our day.

I had my usual, colorful breakfast platter, healthy, delicious and not too bad for points.
Lots of protein so filling too.
A win no matter how you look at it.

My Honey went out in the yard to work and I got busy in my craft room.
I made a sign and only noticed afterwards that the lettering was crooked.
I may have to re-do it.

We decided to go for a walk early in the afternoon before the expected bad weather hit.

We decided to do a big loop around town.
The trail was still a bit wet in parts but we just walked along the highway to avoid those sections.
The sky is looking like there definitely is a storm headed our way.

We could here crazy amounts of honking in the sky and when we looked up we could see lines and lines of geese flying.

It's really hard to see unless you zoom in but the lines you can faintly see are geese upon geese in their 'v' formations.

I took this shot by accident but it turned out pretty cool, I must have had it on landscape setting or something.

When we got around the corner and headed back up the hill to town, we stopped for a bit just to watch the geese.
It's really hard to see them in the picture but they are there.

They are coming back home for the summer.

You can just faintly see a couple V formations here.

They just kept coming and coming.

We could have stood and watched the sky for hours really but it was starting to rain so we figured we'd better continue on our way.

We stopped at the store for a few things, met mom there, she was out for her daily walk too.
Ever since the snow melted she's been getting out each day for a nice long walk which is great.

A friend had this posted on Facebook - she didn't make it but she wants to make one.

I think it's so cute - I wouldn't mind having one myself.

This is the pattern but I don't understand it.

Got a few more signs completed after our walk.

We had leftover taco salad for supper.

Just fooling around with some of the settings on my camera after seeing the cool one I accidentally took of the horse barns on our walk today.

I forget what mode this was but it looks kind of cool.

This one looks really good.

This one the color looks off.

He's bored with my picture taking, went back to sleep.

Looks like my son and family were able to pick up their newest member today.

This is Ozzy staring up at his new mama with love.

Aww, he looks so cute, can't wait to meet him.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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