Sunday 3 May 2020

Self Care Feels Good (Apr.29, 2020)

Another day, another dollar.
The days are all kind of feeling the same lately - don't really go any where, can't really plan anything.
I was glad that My Honey started on days off today so at least I have some company today.

I had a breakfast plate at my desk.

I found this recipe yesterday and made it last night for supper.
It turned out pretty good and I think I'll make it again.

The cats were enjoying the sunshine.

The look on Professor Snuggles face....

Ha ha!

My son and his family were out enjoying the sunshine today too, Miss H posted these pictures.

Love her big smile.

What a little ham.

After work, I had a shower.
I blow dryed it for the first time in almost 2 months.
It felt really good.

I really need to get the grey taken care of, I have some dyes here at home so I think I'll get My Honey to put one in for me on his days off.

It curled so nicely.
I've just been letting it dry on it's own with no product in it at all so it's been looking like a hot mess.
It's mainly been up in a bun too which brings on headaches sometimes so the change was so nice.

It made me want to get out into the world and go do something.

So we did, we went to visit Baby F and the rest of the fam.
We walked over there because it was so nice and I still needed to get some steps in.

She was so happy to see us but especially My Honey.

They read together.

Telling me the numbers.

She wiped off the chalkboard so they could draw on a clean slate.

'What are you drawing anpa?'
She tries to say grandma and grandpa but it comes out 'ama' and 'anpa', it's so cute, I wish she would call me that forever.

We brought a treat over for her, blueberries.

She was just chowing down on them.
She kept emptying her dish then giving it to me to refill.

She likes to go and hide and have My Honey search for her.
Her go to spot is the spare room.
She just goes inside the door and crouches down, it's so cute.

My other brother stopped by for a quick visit and Baby F was being shy.
She snuggled right into me and hid from him.
I don't get many snuggles from her so it was nice.

Miss H stayed in Barrhead last night and Baby F stayed home with Dad and discovered her baba.

She never really warmed up to it but for some reason she's liking it today.

We had a late supper when we got home.
Steak and salad, yum.

Someone on the WW app was recommending these so next time I get to the city, I'm going to have a look for them.

I had gotten some steps in on the treadmill throughout the day today, almost an hour.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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